These Enchanted Fears

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When they reached Gold's shop they saw Emma, Snow, and David run out. 

"Emma!" Genevieve screamed. 

Emma turned to them. They ran up to them. 

"It's after someone!" Reese said. 

"We have to get to the sherrif's office!" Emma said. 

"More running?!" Bianca asked. 

"Yes! C'mon!" Genevieve said sprinting to the sheriff's office. 

If Regina weren't the mother to her younger sister Genevieve could care less whether Regina's soul were taken or not. 

Reaching the sherriff's office they dashed inside and Bianca screamed and ducked under the table. Genevieve kept her distance but tried to distract it. 

"HEY!" She shouted. 

It wasn't until Mary Margret yanked out a lighter and spray and used the fire to draw it away. Emma nodded at Mary Margret and went to Regina. 

"What the hell was that?" Emma snapped.

Regina stood up gasping. 

"A wraith!" She managed. 

"What does it want?" David asked. 

"My soul I've been marked." Regina said. 

Genevieve watched everything unfold until they decided the best choice was to send it back to the Enchanted Forest. 

"The Library." Mary Margret said. 

 "MORE RUNNING?!" Bianca whined.

"Well, I mean you could stay here and wait for it to come back." Reese teased before they all ran out. 

"Wait!" Bianca shouted. 

She decided best to tag along and they all ran to the Library, Regina took a detour to her office while the rest made it to the Library. 

"Where's Regina?" David asked. 

"Her Office she had to go get something." Emma said.

David nodded and they all waited until Regina ran in with a top hat. 

"This'll send that thing back to the Enchanted Forest." Regina said. 

The top hat was plain and black and seemed vaguely familiar. 

"You have Jefferson's hat?" Emma asked. 

"Who?" Regina asked placing the hat on the ground. 

Emma shook her head and Regina spun the hat. 

"What's spinning it going to do?" Genevieve asked. 

"Don't underestimate me child. " Regina said in aggravation 

 Genevieve wanted to strangle her but instead she laughed. It was funny how these people thought Genevieve, Bianca, and Reese were children. In plain sight they seem like children but in the real world......They aren't. They are adults in children's bodies. Through that thought Peter snuck into Genevieve's mind. 

She wanted to shake it off, but it was impossible. She kept thinking about Neverland, the lost boys.......and then Baelfire snuck back into her mind. How he was her first true friend since Bianca. She remembered the great times Reese, Baelfire and herself had. Then she remember how Pan brutally wanted them all gone.....He disposed of Reese, He tried to kill Baelfire, and he tried to kill her. Then a spark of rage entered her body and she wanted to get rid of the threat at hand and then find Gold and strangle him. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now