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Genevieve's eyes filled with tears and she nearly screamed. She covered her mouth and shook her head staring at the two people. 

"Genevieve is that really you?" Bianca asked. 

Genevieve opened her mouth to speak but the tears poured out of her eyes like a waterfall. The one person Genevieve had hoped got out with her baby sister was standing before her. She didn't see any of Bianca's sisters or Marie. She just saw her best friend. She turned to look at "Derek" and nearly fainted. 

"R-Reese?!" She asked. 

He yanked her into the biggest hug ever and nearly crushed her. 

"But you're supposed to be dead! Hook shot you! Peter said you were dead! I watched you die!" She said. 

"Peter told the lost boys to take me to a spring that heals. It brought me back to life but then Pan kicked me off the island. He had this evil look in his eyes." He said. 

Genevieve wanted to crumple to the floor and die when she heard him say that. It must've been the same looks he got with her and Bae.........Bae. 

"I know." She said.

"How did you end up here?" He asked. 

"I-I made it out of Neverland.." She said. 

Bianca looked between them confused. 

"How do you two know each other?" She asked. 

"Neverland." They said in unison. 

"What is that?" She asked. 

"It's another realm....It's the darkest realm of all." Reese said. 

Genevieve nodded sadly. 

"What about the other Lost Boys? Felix? Devin? Bae?" Reese asked. 

Genevieve looked down. 

"Peter demanded Bae to be killed....when he was about to I interfered and he commanded we got killed. I woke up on Hook's ship in another realm. I don't know if Bae got out or not." She said.

"Hook?" He asked. 

"Wait hold on. You Mean Neverland like the movie that Me and Y- I'm mean Derek and Tracy saw? Since we got our memory back." Bianca asked. 

Genevieve remembered herself watching a children's movie called 'Peter Pan.' An elf-looking teenaged boy with green 

Genevieve laughed to herself. 

"Pan is nothing like that...if he were I think we both would've stayed." Reese said. 

"Oh I guess us meeting meant nothing to you?!" Bianca snapped playfully. 

"I'm sorry am I missing something?" Genevieve asked. 

"When I left Neverland I woke up on the beach of a kingdom......One of Bianca's sisters found me on the shore and took me to her. Then we just....fell in love." Reese grinned. 

Genevieve smiled. Then she remembered Victor and frowned. But she gathered her thoughts and smiled. 

"Well congratulations." She said. 

"Well how did we end up here in Storybrooke?" I asked. 

"I think I can answer that question." Mother Superior said. 

Genevieve turned to her. She'd never met the Blue Fairy back in Fairytale land....She's only heard stories.  But this woman  was Maggie's mother which made her Genevieve's mother....even though Genevieve never met her she had an attachment towards her. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now