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Once they settled camp it all went down hill from there. During camp Aurora had fallen asleep and they were attacked by men who seemed to walk like they had no brain.

"Why aren't they dying?!?!" Genevieve roared in frustration as she at one.

"I don't know!" Snow shouted in reply knocking arrows at the men.

Mulan and Aurora were no where to be seen.

"We need to go!" Genevieve said grabbing their stuff and making a run for it.

They made it far enough until they heard rustling and Snow drew her arrow getting ready to shoot only to see Mulan.

"Where's Aurora?" Genevieve asked.

"She's gone! They took her!" Mulan said.

"We'll find her but we need to run we have to get her and leave now!" She snapped. "Forget the dust just use the beans and we can leave!" She said.

"But how do we find her?" Mulan asked.

"Well it's simple You guys check the one place she could be hiding her and I check the other." She said.

"And that is?" Emma asked.

"The Jolly Roger and The Camp." Genevieve said.

"Okay....but why should you go alone?" Emma asked.

"Hook and I have some unfinished business." Genevieve said.

The rest understood her reason and they departed. Once again Genevieve was doing something so incredibly dumb that she regretted coming alone.

She reached the Jolly Roger and sighed. "Here we go." She said and stomped onto the deck.

"HOOK!" She snapped.

There he was he was smirking her hook for a hand sword at his side.

"Ah....Genevieve! Come looking for Aurora? Well she's not here." He said.

Genevieve rolls her eyes. "I know that you moron. I came here to get my revenge." She said and slashed her sword.

Hook dodged her sword and slashed his. Genevieve smiles and ducked and she swiped her for underneath him causing him to fall and she points her sword at his throat.

"You killed one of my friends, you had the nerve to show your face again and take me on some magical quest, and....now you're working against me." She said.

Hook chuckled and hooked his hook onto her sword and snatched her forward so she could fall and he succeeded.

Genevieve fell on her back and Hook had her sword. Genevieve knew she had lost she stated Hook in the eye and growled.

"Do it....I know it's killing you." She said waiting.

Hook stared back at her as if he were conflicted. Instead he flipped the sword to the hilt and smacked in the head with it knocking  her out.

When Genevieve woke up she was leaning with her back against a boulder and shouts of fighting.

She saw Emma, Snow, and Mulan fighting Hook and Cora. She tried to move but she was tied up.

TypicalHook. Genevieve thought.

Milan started running past her but Genevieve shouted out to her. "MULAN! HELP!"

Mulan looked at her and with hesitation she ran over and cut her free. "Get back to Storybrooke." She said.

Genevieve nods and she ran over to Hook and Emma and tackled him and she took her sword and pointed it at his neck. "Get up!" She screamed.

Genevieve took in what was around her a vortex of water Snow fighting Cora. That was their way out the only thing stopping them was Cora.

Hook got to his feet while she was distracted and he slashed her in the shoulder. Genevieve screamed out and fell gripping her shoulder and Hook and Emma Fought.

Genevieve was loosing blood...fast and she tried getting to her feet but she fell. Powerless and nearly close to fainting for the second time Genevieve didn't know what to do.

After a few minutes then fighting stopped and Emma ran over and showed her a compass. "This! It'll take us to Storybrooke! Genevieve we'll get you some help soon!" Emma shouted.

She felt her body being lifted and she was relieved. They had won. They were free to go home. So they did.

They all took hold of the compass and the jumped straight into the whirlpool.

Before she fainted once again since Hook had hit her with the hilt Genevieve heard Henry's voice and Bianca's cheering with excitement and a faint smile spread across her lip.

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now