Lost Girl

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Genevieve flew out of the portal and crashed into the sand some got into her mouth. She spit it out and dusted herself off with her hands. She grabbed her bag and she check to see if her sword was on her side. She looked up at the scene infront of her. There infront of her was dark jungle. It was not like the jungle she saw in her dreams. It was more.....welcoming. 

"Where on Earth did he take me?" She asked herself. 

She looked at it and sighed. "Well I'm gonna be here for a while so I better get used to it." She whispered to herself.

Genevieve ventured into the jungle and saw all types of things. Exotic birds, different plants, etc. She was cutting through all of the plants when she smelled something horrid. It smelled like a mixture between blood, and alcohol. She waved her hand over he nose as she looked around sniffing the air to see where it was coming from. She turned and saw a thorny plant running up a tree. She examined it for a second. The she gasped. 

A dark red liquid leaked from the thorns. She put her finger under it and let the liquid drop onto her finger. She sniffed it. It nearly burned up the inside of her nose. That was definitely the smell. 

"I don't remember poison on this island." She whispered. 

She walked away from the plant and moved further when she heard a snap sound behind her. She drew her sword quickly and turned around. 

"Who's there?" She asked. 

Her eyes roamed everywhere. 

"Hello?" She asked once again but there was no sound. 

She shrugged her shoulders and moved on until she heard a sound that made her want to jump up and down in excitement.The roar of water she ran over to the sound a just through the trees was a waterfall! She looked at it in awe, beautiful crystal clear water flowed down the rocks into a beautiful lake. 

She dipped her hand into the water it was cool and it temped her. She stared at the water. If she could just swim in it and bathe. She smelled like the ocean. She felt sticky and dirty. 

"Later." She said. 

Genevieve got up and she decided to go hunting for food since it was getting late and she was starving. She couldn't hunt with a sword. So she thought about a bow. A bow that was right for her and arrows. She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. The she felt something in her hands. She opened her eyes and gasped. The bow and arrows were in her hands. 

"Oh how I love this place." She mused.

She walked into the woods ready to hunt for food. 

As he played his pipes Peter Pan watched the lost boys dance. It was pretty early but they just lost a boy to dream shade so the were celebrating in honor of him. Devin's idea. He was one of Pan's lost boys. 

Suddenly Pan stopped playing music which made the lost boys stop dancing. "What happened?" Felix asked approaching him. 

He took of the mask and looked at Pan. Pan started to smirk. "We have a trespasser boys." Pan said. 

They smiled in delight. When ever they had a trespasser they would throw them to the mermaids. The boys started cheering and talking amongst them selves. 

"Felix." Pan said. 

"Yes?" He asked. 

"Our guest is by the beach why don't you pay them a visit but don't make your presence known and don't return until you have the prisoner." Pan smiled. 

Felix nodded as he grabbed his bow and arrows and headed into the jungle her cut through plants and walked to the beach. About half-way there he heard footsteps. He hid behind a tree waited until the person passed. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now