Magic Is Evil

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6 monthslater...

In the last few months since Genevieve, Emma, and Mary Margret arrived back in Storybrooke, Genevieve has kept to herself.

She decided to take it upon herself to try and be normal.

No more magic, no more helping, no more evil. And no more Peter. She thought to herself.

Once they returned to Storybrooke it wasn't long before Cora and Captain Hook arrived on the Jolly Roger and were working incognito.

Genevieve had only heard they were there not too long ago and she did not retaliate at all. None of them were connected to her and in any kind of way. She was done, she had helped Emma and Mary Margret enough. This was family business and unless their doing effected those she cared about she could care less. 

There was much talk about a man named Neal Cassidy for months. Though Genevieve over looked it. Even when she found out he was Henry's father. It made her happy that Henry had finally gotten to meet his father. Though she had actually never met him she's heard some talk going around about him and some lady named Tamara. 

Genevieve didn't think much of this lady. Until she heard her consulting with a man about Magic. This triggered her curiosity immediately and what she heard didn't please her at all not the slightest bit. 

"You know we have to do this." She said. 

"Tamara if Regina catches us in the act she'll have us both killed." The man replied. 

Tamara sighed. "Listen Greg...we have to do this. Think of your father." 

The man was quite for a moment before he spoke. "Fine....but after we get rid of magic we leave this place. No doubt these people will riot before as soon as it's gone." He said. 

Destroy magic? Is that even possible? Genevieve asked herself. 

Since she was so consumed in her thought she never noticed the two advancing to the door and once they opened it they spotted Genevieve. 

"Hey!" Greg said. 

Genevieve looked up at him and she ran. This reminded her of running away from Peter when he attacked her which didn't make her quite happy at all. But to no avail Genevieve didn't make it very far away before the man grabbed her and hauled her away. 

The docks. He took her to the docks. He locked her in one of the rooms inside of the warehouse and her turned to her. "What's your name kid?" He asked. 

Genevieve stayed silent. She refused to give away any information to these two.  If they found out she was magic then they may attempt to kill her. 

"Answer the question kid or you'll be in serious trouble." Tamara snapped. 

She was not a very pleasant person. She was a fairly dark woman with dark brown eyes and a scowl on her face that could easily tell you she was not a nice lady. 

Genevieve stared at them until she finally spoke. "Mildred." She said. 

They stared at her for a moment and then glanced at each other. 

"Okay Mildred. Well why were you spying on us?!" Greg snapped. 

Genevieve put on her best bored expression and sighed. "I was bored thought I'd visit the warehouses where me and my friends used to hang around. I heard two people talking and I wanted to know who..." She said. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now