True Meaning (edited)

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Genevieve woke up with a smile on her face. She was in love and she knew it. Tomorrow she would meet Victor again and they'd talk more and possibly get a chance to kiss. She sighed dreamily and put on her morning gown and pinned her hair up, then went to eat breakfast with her sisters. 

She sat down and smiled. "Good morning." She sang happily.

Her parents weren't there and it was just her sisters. 

"What's up with you?" Mia asked questioningly. 

"She's in love!" Glinda shrieked excitedly jabbing her spoon toward her. 

"With who?" Priscilla said dropping her fork on the plate in shock. 

"His name is Victor." Genevieve said squealing excitedly. 

"Is he a prince?" Denise asked. "When did you meet him was here at the Palace the day of the royal court meeting?!"  

"No." Genevieve replied. 

"Then I don't care." Denise said shrugging her shoulders. 

"He's a servant." Genevieve said. 

Her sisters frowned and some gasped in outrage. "But you know the law. Only Princesses can marry Princes." Carrie said softly. 

"But he's just wonderful! His eyes are a blue as the sea and his hair is the color of a raven's feather! He's very handsome." Genevieve said in a dreamy voice. 

"Wow! Sounds like his looks are princely!" Marry said. 

Genevieve blushed and nodded at Mary. "If he dressed like one no would ever know he was a servant!"  

"This has to stop! Mother won't be happy with you in being love with a peasant Genevieve." Priscilla warned. 

The rest of the princesses fell silent and looked between the two

"He's not a peasant! He's handsome and kind." Genevieve said her face turning red in anger. 

"You probably met him didn't you?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows. 

"Well, yes but I've learned a lot about him and his sister and I are close friends!"

"You're so naive Gen. What if he's a bandit that snuck in?!" Priscilla said. 

"He's not a bandit, if he were would he be working in the castle?!" Genevieve said. 

"You don't know anything Gen! You're so foolish you think everyone you meet is going to be a nice wonderful person but not everyone is your ridiculous handsome and generous peasant boy!" Priscilla said. 

"HE IS NOT A PEASANT!" Genevieve snapped standing up in fury. 

"I know what love looks like! I've actually been outside of the castle. You just think he's good looking and you like his personality so you think you love him." Priscilla explained. "Please sit down you're making a scene."  

"I love him! I'll love him no matter what because unlike you I feel something you stay out of my life and let me love who I want to love!" Genevieve nearly screamed. 

"You do that but when mother executes him for breaking the law his blood will be on your hands!" Priscilla said slamming her fork on the table and leaving the room. 

The other girls were quite and Glinda looked at Genevieve with wide eyes.

"I'll go check on her you stay here." Glinda said.

 The other girls stared at Genevieve. "What I've done nothing wrong." She said angrily taking her seat.

"She's right you did just meet him yesterday." Denise said. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now