Treasure Hunt

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  • Dedicated to Those who are pissed because of this late update. x3

Her whole shoulder burned like someone had put rubbing alcohol on a fresh wound and she opened her eyes and screamed loudly. 

"Hush!" A man snapped. 

Genevieve let her vision adjust to her surrounding and she saw the man who shot the arrow at her on the Jolly Roger. She whimpered in pain and looked at her shoulder and an arrow. She felt tears trickle down her face and she bit her lip. 

"Hold still will ye?" The redhead snapped. 

Genevieve groaned in pain and waited for it. The man ripped the arrow out and she screamed at the top of her lungs but the other man covered her mouth. The redhead poured something cold over the wound and started to wrap up her shoulder. 

Genevieve gave him a confused look. She winced a couple of times and looked at them confused. "What- why are you helping me?" She asked. 

"No questions." The man said. 

Genevieve gave him and looks and she just rolled her eyes and bit her lip and they wrapped up the wound. Once that was done they stepped back and looked at her. 

" Who are you?" The redhead asked. 

"I should ask the same." She said. 

"Robin Hood." The tall man said. 

The redhead gave 'Robin Hood' a look and shook his head. "Not saying." He replied. 

"Genevieve." She said nodding at him. 

Robin Hood nodded. 

"Now why did you take from us?' The red head asked. 

"Oh? I couldn't help myself that sword was magnificent and in all honesty....I was trying to get out of that boat for a while no thanks to Hook and Cora." She said. 

Then it struck her. "I have to go." She said sitting up. 

"Why so soon?" Robin asked. 

"Cora and Hook. They could get to the ship at any moment and I have to get to Emma and Snow." She said. 

Robin chuckled. "We're a far away distance from that ship lass." The redhead said. 

Genevieve sighed in relief. "Thank Goodness." She said. 

She stood up and dusted herself off. She examined herself in disgust. He feet were black from all the dirt she was coated in scrapes from the trees and her sweater was torn. She sighed and shook her head. 

"Problem?" Robin asked. 

"No....just I feel disgusting." Genevieve said. 

"Oh....we have some clothing back at our camp." He offered. 

The redhead smacked his hand to his forehead and shook his head. "No! This girl is a thief! She could steal all our weapons and supplies while we sleep." He said. 

"No she won't 10 men against a girl? I don't think so." He said. 

Genevieve  sighed and tapped her foot. "I promise I won't steal just get me a place to wash up and some clothes and I'll be on my own." She said. 

Robin pondered this for a moment and then he sighed. "You have skill...for a girl. I want you to join us." He said. 

"NO!" The redhead snapped. 

Robin glared at him. "She has a few tricks up her sleeves she may help us out." He said. 

Genevieve thought about this. She could take up the offer but then she wouldn't succeed in her quest to defeat Maleficent. Right now she needed the focus on the task at hand and that was getting cleaned up and new clothes and going to search for Emma and Mary Margret. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now