It Started With A Crush

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1 mouth later..... (a/n: time skipped I know but trust me nothing interesting happened.)

Maggie rolled over and looked at her alarm clock.....7:30. 

"UGH! I'm gonna be late!" She said. 

Maggie had always been known  for being to school on time but, the crash has a huge effect on someone. Maggie threw herself out of bed and ran into the shower. After her shower she brushed her teeth quickly threw her hair in a ballerina bun, put on black jeggings, a pair of boots, and a tank top with a varsity jacket over it. Then she grabbed her backpack and raced down stairs grabbing a bottle of water and a muffin and ran out of the door. Her phone rang. 

"Hello?" She asked. 

"Maggie! Ok so tell me how Chase Evens was asking to go on a date with you?!?!?" Tracy screeched.

Maggie had never been on a date before let alone had a boyfriend......barely even had her first kiss too! Well she remembers something about almost kissing a guy but it was still fuzzy.

"Me?! He's like the most popular guy in school! Why me?" She asked taking a bite of her muffin. 

"At first I thought it was one of Carrie' s pranks....she'd very cruel, but he was sincere....he asked me where you were and if I saw you to ask if you wanted to go to a football game with him for his brother!" Tracy squealed.

Maggie almost dropped her muffin. 

"Ok I'll talk to him when i get to school. Bye!" She said.

She took a long breather and screamed jumping up and down. Chase Evens?! He was the hottest guy in school! His rugged blonde hair and he was really tall ad buff, He was mostly very blunt but at times really shy. Maggie wanted to cry! 

When she arrived at school the courtyard was empty. Just her luck Mr. Thatch would be infuriated. She hurried up the steps and ran through the hall stopping at her locker to grab her Science text book. She locked her locker and ran down the hall way to her first period.

When she entered Mr.Thatch's room he glared at her. 

"Ms. Blu you're late....that's a first." He said. 

"Yeah alarm malfunction." She said. 

"I'll let it slide this time." he said motioning Maggie to sit. 

She took a seat next to Derek. He smiled at her and handed her a note. 

Derek: I heard about your little date thingy with Chase.

Maggie rolled her eyes at him and replied.

Maggie: Oh hush, you. I haven't even said yes yet.

Derek: Oh brother I know you're going to say yes! 

Maggie: Well unless Carrie threatens to hit me with another car!

Mr. Thatch grabbed the note as Maggie was going to hand it to Derek. 

"What's this? A note?" Mr. Thatch asked. 

He opened it and a smile spread onto his face. 

"You two have detention after school." Mr. Thatch. 

Maggie thought of her best chance at escaping detention with Derek. 

"But we volunteer for Mr. Gold after school." Maggie said. 

Mr. Thatch sighed in exasperation, "Very well do not passed notes in my class or you'll be sweeping the cafeteria for a week." He said. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now