It Never Happened

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Genevieve had never once in her life ever thought about eating wood, but she was starting to consider that now. It's been two days since her and Peter kissed and since she saw actual daylight. She was starving and the wooden cage didn't;t sound like a bad snack at the moment. But her hopes sparked when she heard voice outside of her cage late at night. 

"Shh!" The person snapped as they walked over to the cages. 

The next thing Genevieve knew she was outside standing up and taking a deep breath. She put her hands on her knees and sighed loudly in relief. 

"Genevieve are you okay?" It was Baelfire and next to him was a young girl no older than 11 or 12.

"What are you guys doing here? Where's Henry?" She asked softly. 

Baelfire bites his lip. "Pan still has him, he's taking him to skull rock. Regina and Emma managed to track him down we're gonna go over there now." He said. 

Genevieve nods and looked at the girl. "I'm Genevieve." She said. 

The girl gave her a small smile. "I'm Wendy, Wendy Darling." He said in a thick British accent. 

Just like the movie. Genevieve thought. 

Baelfire looked at Wendy. "The Lost Boys are all at camp tied up stay there and we'll go save Henry and come back for you." He said. 

Wendy nodded and headed towards the camp and Genevieve looked at Bae. "Well lead the way." She said softly biting her lip.

Baelfire nods and he took off towards the beach on the other side of the island. "You love him don't you?" He asked. 

"Who?" Genevieve asked. 

"Peter." He said and continued to run. 

"Yes I do...but I know it won't be able to happen." She said softly. 

Baelfire was quiet for a moment but then he looked back at her. "Things will get easier." He said. 

"I highly doubt it. I know what's wrong with him. All power dies and his is coming to an end." She said. 

"That's why he needs Henry right? To live?" She asked. 

Baelfire nodded and he looked ahead. "Yeah, He needs the heart if the Truest Believer and that just so happens to be my son." He said. 

Genevieve nodded in understanding. "I know....I don't blame you for doing this. It's either him or Henry." She said softly. 

Baelfire nodded and once they reached the beach he grabbed a boat and they started rowing to skull rock. It wasn't long before they reached the shore but once they got there, there was a bunch of bright light coming from the inside. 

"Emma?! What's going on?" Bae asked. 

Emma and Regina were using magic to try and break a barrier but it was very strong. 

"Gold! He's in there with Pan and Henry and we're trying to break this barrier Pan put up." Regina replied, 

Genevieve bit her lip and all she could was watch. It wasn't like she was her powers were any stronger than Regina or Emma. After much patience they finally made it through just as Henry gave Peter his heart. Henry collapsed as soon as his heart went into Pan's chest and for a moment there was a lot of shouting. But Genevieve just stared at Peter who looked at her and smirked as he flew away.

"We need to get Henry's heart back now." She said turning to the others. 

The rest nodded at her and departed to go get Henry's heart. Genevieve had other plans she was going to get the Lost boys and move them onto The Jolly Roger so that the other could meet her there. She had other plans for Peter. She knew for a fact that he'd find a way to get to Stroybrooke and she was determined to get the evil out of him no matter what. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now