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Pan was pretty annoyed when he woke up considering it was because of Genevieve screaming in her sleep. He laid in his bed trying to go back to bed when he heard Genevieve scream again. 

"VICTOR!" She screamed. 

Pan sat up in bed and glared at her. He got up and walked over to her. 

"Mother please stop!" She yelped. 

Pan grabbed her shoulders and shook her violently. 

"Ahh!" She screamed her eyes snapping open. 

"Get up." He said. 

"Is it morning?" She asked. 

"No, but you were screaming in your sleep so I'm going to have to wake everyone up and hour earlier no thanks to you." He said. 

She rolled her eyes and glared at him. Then she began to stretch. Pan could tell she slept terribly because she popped most of her muscles and she nearly broke her back trying to get it to stop hurting. 

"Come on let's go wake the others." Pan said. 

"You're not gonna wash up or something?" Genevieve asked. 

He laughed. "I'm a boy, I'll do that later." He smirked. 

She cringed and got up snatching her towel from last night. She walked out of the tent away from camp when Pan appeared in front of her. 

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked. 

"To wash up! Just because I'm surrounded by boys doesn't mean I have to smell like one!" She snapped. 

He laughed at her reply. 

"Ok, but don't get any ideas because I'll always find you." Pan said glaring into her eyes. 

She nodded. He walked past her and she turned around. 

"Pan?" She asked. 

"What?" He replied. 

"Do you have any...clean clothes I could borrow?" She asked. 

She looked down at her clothes, It smelled like wet dog, and it was covered in mud. Pan sighed in annoyance and went into his tent. A few seconds later he walked out with fresh clothes. 

"Thank you." She said. 

He stared at her for a split second and then he stalked off to wake up the other lost boys. 

Pan walked into the first tent and started to wake up the boys. 

"Get up!" Pan shouted. 

The boys started to get up and they would prepare for training and hunting later. Felix sat on a rock outside of his tent and he was applying dream shade to his arrow. He looked annoyed. Pan walked over to him. 

"So when are you going to kill the girl?" Felix asked. 

Pan chuckled. "Time, Felix when she crosses me then I'll kill her." He said. 

"How long do you think that's going to take?" Felix asked. 

"Not long, she's very annoying I could have killed her last night but, I want to wait." Pan said. 

Felix smirked and returned to his arrows. The boys were already getting to work. Some were training, some preparing weapons, and some were already out hunting. Baelfire was preparing his weapon for the hunt later. 

Pan walked over to him. "Baelfire." Pan said. 

"Pan, what do you want?" Bae asked. 

"To tell you not to get too attached to the girl." Pan said. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now