Man Down

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Pan was walking through the forest with Felix, Devin, Reese, and Baelfire when he came across Genevieve's sword. Along with the sword were boot tracks. Pan gritted his teeth. 

"Hook!" He sneered. 

Baelfire's jaw clenched at the sound of that one-handed pirate's name. Reese looked out across the water and saw The Jolly Roger's shadow behind the fog. 

"There!" He shouted. 

"Get the lost boys to gather by the beach we have business to attend to." Pan said walking towards the shore. 

The four boys split up and went to gather the boys and Pan stared at the boat. Why did he care so much about Genevieve. Pan kept staring. Then the shadow appeared to him. 

"Pan." The shadow said. 

"What do you want?" Pan asked. 

"I came to warn you, she is your undoing." The shadow said. 

"What are you talking about?" Pan faced the shadow. 

"She is his true love she will be your undoing and when they fall in love their love will also be the undoing of Maleficent." The shadow said. 

Pan turned to the shadow and glared at him. 

"She is a harmless stupid girl she will never be my undoing! Where did you hear this non-sense anyway?" Pan snapped at him. 

"When she arrived on the island the time of your youth paused. The walls glowed with golden pictures of what is to occur from this girl Pan. Get rid of her. Kill her!" The shadow snapped. 

"I only kill with reason." Pan said. 

"Use this as a reason Pan, I didn't help you so that you could put my island to waste with your stupid choices." The shadow explained. 

"My choices are not stupid! Leave my presence before I burn you!" Pan screamed at the shadow. 

The shadow didn't listen to a word he said and continued bothering him. 

"Malcolm, If you do not get rid of the girl he comes and takes back the island. I helped you keep your youth and get rid of your son." The shadow snapped. 


"You were warned Malcolm." The shadow said drifting away. 

Pan grabbed Genevieve's sword and launched it at a tree. It embedded into the tree deeply. He went and yanked it out. He paced back and forth. He didn't know why but he felt like he was connect with Genevieve like he had to help her. Like it was her job. 

Then the thought of him slipped into his mind. How could his love and Genevieve's be his undoing. Pan made sure to rid of him the first time he arrived at the island. The deal with the shadow was made and he climbed the tree to get the pixie dust. His thoughts were interrupted when all the lost boys arrived. He turned to give them orders. 

" The plan is simple, we get to that boat and find Genevieve. Felix, you are to lead the boys onto the boat for attack. I'll find Genevieve. Understood?" Pan asked. 

The lost boys nodded and headed to the boats. 

When they reached the boat the boys ambushed faster than Pan could get onto the boat. This was going to be easy. Pan saw Hook fighting  off lost boys and pirates from the lower deck poured onto the upper deck to defend. When the last pirate exited Pan went into the lower. deck. Every pirate he saw was put into a sleeping spell. Pan knew exactly where Genevieve was. Hook could never find a more creative place to put his prisoners. When he reached the room he grabbed the crate  threw it to the other room and opened the trap door. He hopped inside and didn't see Genevieve anywhere. 

**editing** Pan's Dark Heart (Peter Pan)Where stories live. Discover now