Chapter 1 - A Peaceful Resurrection

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It's been a year since the world has encountered the Siren onslaught. Although they are still in hiding. World leaders are not resting on their laurels. They may have defeated their aerial assets. But there is still the base in the North Pole. And it is almost near Alaska and some parts of Europe. Meanwhile at the island base of Azur Lane. The ship girls are enjoying their rest and recreation.

However two sisters together with their daughters and their niece are at the very water where one of them was showed no mercy by the Imperial Japanese Navy. Specifically the last aircraft carrier to be destroyed, the IJN Hiryu. Her planes completely rendered the ship girl's original form useless. Knocking out all of her boilers. Making her list to her port side. While torpedoes from an unnamed Japanese submarine finished her off. Completely sending her ill fated ship form to her watery grave. But that what was not she's reminiscing about.

It was the first and last time that she sailed with her sisters. It was also the first and last time that they all went on a mission as ships. She's standing on the waters adjacent to Midway Island. Together with her youngest sister. They look at the faint images of their formation with the other ships. Both of them are sad because they have resurfaced ahead of their sister. She was dubbed as the strongest carrier of Eagle Union. Her ship form was called by different names. Yet to both of them. She's still Enterprise, the girl who barely showed her emotions.

????: It would have been a great celebration if you were around big sister.

????: How ironic our lives can be. I was sunk and yet I was reborn under a new ship. And now I have resurfaced ahead of you. I wish you were not scrapped.

????: The same goes for me. Both big sister Yorktown and me have our own daughters now.

Yorktown: I wish that you're alive right now to see your daughter Enterprise who was also given your first monicker, Big E. She's completely modern from us. Well Hornet and I have to leave now Enterprise. Our daughters who carry our names now will be joining your daughter in Azur Lane. See you again sister.

Hornet: I can't believe it's been more than eighty years since we have been in our first and last mission together big sister Yorktown.

Yorktown: Yeah...... It would have been more meaningful to reminisce if she was here.

Hornet: Yeah...... I guess all we can do is honor her memory by gun salute.

Yorktown: I agree.

Both women together with their daughters and niece begin their 21 gun salute in honor of USS Enterprise's illustrious career as an aircraft carrier.

After that, all five of them head back to Azur Lane headquarters. Enterprise (CVN-65), Yorktown (CV-10), and Hornet (CV-12) will be inducted as the new members of Azur Lane. As well as other 2nd generation ship girls. Many of which are also named after the original ship girls of Azur Lane. Including the JMSDF Kaga. As the new girls get inducted into Azur Lane. Somewhere over at New York City, New York, a girl with silver hair and purple eyes is forming out of nowhere. But unlike the other ship girls. She is devoid of her riggings and main weaponry. And her clothes are not the ones that she's wearing during her time as a ship girl.

 And her clothes are not the ones that she's wearing during her time as a ship girl

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(Just imagine her as Entey in a simplified dress and without her riggings.)

She walks away from the shipyard without even being noticed by anyone around her. She was lucky that it is night time when she resurrected silently. She soon finds herself walking around the streets of New York. The city has changed a lot since she was still a ship. The last time she was here. She was being disassembled. Majority of her steel was used to build her daughter.

As the girl continues to walk around. She sees some movie posters with her original ship form in the picture. The date is June 4, 2025. While looking at the poster, she hears a young man say something about her.

????: Those were the best years of my grandfather's life. It was nice serving the US Navy on board you Enterprise. That's what he said to me. He is the reason why me and my father became naval aviators. You were legendary. Well I guess I better get going. Tomorrow I will be boarding your granddaughter, USS Enterprise CVN-80. I hope that you have a peaceful rest in the oceans of the afterlife. (Walks away.)

Enterprise: "So...... My legacy still lives on up to now."

Enterprise walks away as well. She decides to take refuge in a church that has an open courtyard. She sleeps on one of the covered benches. In her mind she wants to find a job and forget about the war. She has decided to live a peaceful life as a civilian.

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