Chapter 20 - The Captain of Her Heart

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After the successful China infiltration. Agent Fernandez and his team are now back in Washington DC inside the office of the president. He decides to let Enterprise and the others know about the secret entrance leading to the president's office. However, he warns all four agents never to reveal or talk about it when the other members of the secret service are around. Death awaits them if they unintentionally mention about the secret entrance. Agents Smith, Andrews, and Henderson immediately get scared of what Agent Fernandez said. While Enterprise calmly accepts the possibility of being assassinated by no less than soon to be former secret agent Fernandez.

The president lauds the team for cleaning up the mess that Agent Henderson's corrupt teammate made that lead to her being discharged from military service. At the same time Pres. Mullins tells the other four agents that Agent Fernandez will no longer be with them. The other three agents are shocked about the news of Willy leaving them. Enterprise wasn't shocked by the president's announcement. Willy had informed her already about his reinstatement back in the US Navy. The president gives them a month vacation off as a reward for a job well done. All five agents decide to celebrate at a local bar. Capt. Fernandez and the others change into their regular clothing before heading off to a bar.

All five agents drink the night away while talking about what they used to be before becoming members of the secret service. Enterprise never mentioned about being a ship that turned into a girl. Instead she tells them about being an orphan. Agents Smith and Andrews, as well as Agent Henderson decide to show sympathy for Enterprise. While Agent Fernandez kept silent since he already knows the truth about Enterprise. As soon as all of them got tipsy. They decide to call it a night.

Agents Smith, Andrews, and Henderson went home to where they actually live. Agent Fernandez and Enterprise decide to have a cup of coffee before calling it a night. They walked through streets of Washington DC to find a nearest coffee shop. They are lucky to find one that is three blocks away from the bar where they had a couple of beers and some side dishes. They go inside and sit down in a table a few feet away from the door. Willy pulls the chair for Enterprise and pushes it gently as she sits down. He goes to the counter to order their choice of coffee. Enterprise orders a black coffee while Willy orders a black coffee with cream. He orders two chicken sandwiches to go with the coffee he ordered.

While they wait for their orders. Willy decides to strike up a conversation with the former ship girl.

Willy: Well Endie. I guess this is it.

Enterprise: Yeah. It's going to be quiet once you get back to your carrier strike group.

Willy: I know. But hey..... You can always call me if you need someone to talk to.

Enterprise: Really?

Willy: Of course. It's not like when I was still in the secret service. Listen the time that I said to you that I was undergoing pilot aircraft reintegration training. I lied to you.

Enterprise: So you're still good in flying an aircraft. But where were you at the time that I was worried about you?

Willy: I was in Germany. Specifically Iron Blood's main headquarters. I was sent on an infiltration mission.

Enterprise: Did you see Prinz Eugen and Bismarck there?

Willy: You wouldn't believe what I did to them when I asked about what they're hiding in three huge buildings.

Enterprise: Try me. I've seen odd things in my time as a ship girl.

Willy: Really now?

Enterprise: Uh huh..... So what did you do to them?

Willy: I spiked their drinks with a powerful drug that I stole from a terrorist group in Serbia.

Enterprise: No way! I'm sure that those two would easily find out if their drinks have anything suspicious mixed in them.

Willy: Not if they have fallen to the awesome Willy Fernandez charm. They were so smitten by me that by the time they got back from the restroom I have already mixed the drug in their drinks.

Enterprise: Now I know why the president trusts you a lot. So what happened to them after you spiked their drinks?

Willy: I made them act like a cat and a dog. Of course Prinz Eugen was the cat and Lady Bismarck was the dog. After that I extracted valuable information from them. And then I made them fuck each other.

Enterprise: I can't believe you actually managed to infiltrate Iron Blood headquarters without being suspected as a spy.

Willy: I barely got back to the carrier unscathed though.

Enterprise: Why's that?

Willy: A lucky German pilot was able to shoot my aircraft's tails. After that I took him down despite the fact that I can't control my aircraft very well.

Enterprise: I guess I really should worry about you a lot. Now that we're in a relationship it's going to be complicated since I'm in the secret service and you're back in the navy.

Willy: I know. But hey we can get through every challenge that comes to our relationship. We're a strong team remember.

Enterprise: I know. But I don't have that much experience in shooting a human being with a gun. I was more adept in shooting an arrow at enemy aircraft.

Willy: All that's gone now. Right? You can't go back to your original ship girl form right?

Enterprise: Yes..... I tried summoning my riggings but to no avail. The wisdom cube that implanted itself in me must have been the one that gave this human form to me.

Willy: Do you miss being a ship girl?

Enterprise: I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't. But somehow I'm enjoying my human life now more than I was a ship girl. Time seems to stop whenever I get a chance to walk more on land than skating on the water.

Willy: To be honest I really miss flying around in a fighter jet. Somehow being in the air makes me feel like I can get to be with God.

Enterprise: Promise me Willy that you will always return to me alive and kicking.

Willy: I promise Endie. I'm glad that you didn't do what my ex-girlfriend did back then when I was still with you guys.

Enterprise: Honestly I wanted to do it. But after hearing Agent Smith's story about what Agent Brewster did. It made me realize that I shouldn't put my hands where they don't belong. Otherwise I would end up losing my job.

Willy: That's a smart girl. I will definitely miss doing this.

Enterprise: Me too.....

As the two love birds continue to talk. The cashier calls out Willy's name as their orders are ready. Willy stands up and goes to the counter to pay for what they ordered. He goes back to the table and gives Enterprise what chose on menu. They begin eating their sandwiches and drinking their coffee. After that the hotshot pilot walks Enterprise to his car and drives her to where she now lives. The place where she was once a ship in construction. Although it was a long night drive. Willy and Enterprise enjoyed the long cruise on the highway. Enterprise enjoyed looking at the stars which she never experienced before.

Willy smiles while looking at his girlfriend as she continues to look at the stars in the sky. As soon as they reach her house Willy walks her in and then says goodbye to her and drives back to Washington DC. As he gets home to his house in Bremerton. He begins to pack his clothes including his set of uniforms and his flight suit. He then goes to sleep and wait for the day of his flight to Pearl Harbor where he will be rejoining his former carrier strike group.

Time Skip:

Willy is now at the departure area of George Washington International Airport. Enterprise decides to see him in the airport to say goodbye for one last time. Tears begin to fall from her eyes as she hugs him tightly. Willy hugs her back and kisses her lips before turning around and boarding a plane bound for Hawaii. Enterprise could only look on as the captain of her heart slowly disappears from her sight. Seconds later, her phone rings as an unknown phone number displays itself on the screen. She decides to answer it knowing that it could be the president who is calling the former ship girl.

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