Chapter 8 - Tactical Infiltration

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Agent Fernandez arrives in Munich International Airport in Munich, Germany at 3:30:30 pm Eastern Standard Time. As soon as he gets down from the plane three marines quickly walk up to him. Agent Fernandez gets into a defensive fighting position thinking that the marines are assassins. Seconds later, one of the marines calls out his name.

????: Lt. Cdr. Wilfredo Fernandez sir!

Agent Fernandez: At ease marine! Yes that's me. What is it that you want marine?

????: We have direct orders from Admiral Myers to fetch you here in Munich sir.

Agent Fernandez: Admiral Myers? How did that old geezer know I was coming to Germany?

????: He says he got a call from the top brass sir.

Agent Fernandez: *Top brass huh. Guess Pres. Mullins made sure that I would have an easy time going to the HQ of Iron Blood.* What's your name marine?

????: Marine Lance Corporal Arthur Daniels sir.

Agent Fernandez: Corp. Daniels is the boat still in Kiel?

LC. Daniels: Yes sir!

Agent Fernandez: I see. Well we better get going. We don't want the old man waiting for us too long.

LC. Daniels: Yes sir!

The former naval aviator and the three marines walk to another part of the airport where a navy helicopter is waiting for them. Agent Fernandez is assisted in putting on a floating device as they board the chopper. As soon as they are all inside. The pilot makes the helo takeoff and fly towards the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt. It will serve as both a temporary shelter and planning base for Agent Fernandez.

Time Skip:

The helicopter reaches the carrier after two hours. It's now coming in a slow approach. A Landing Safety Officer guides the pilot on where to land the chopper.

An Osprey followed suit as the helicopter gets taxied out of the landing zone.

Agent Fernandez gets off the helicopter and looks at F-18s preparing for take off. He is then escorted to the bridge by the marines. The secret service agent is going to see the person who had him reassigned to the USS Nimitz in the Pacific. And it is all because of the very reason why he was discharged from service. After a few minutes of walking they reach the bridge where Admiral Jack Myers is waiting. A familiar voice greets the former hotshot pilot turned secret service agent.

Admiral Myers: Agent Fernandez. I never thought that I would see you again Wild Fox.

Agent Fernandez: (Salutes the admiral.) Admiral Myers sir! Likewise sir.

Admiral Myers: And here I am thinking that sending you to Pearl Harbor would make you change.

Agent Fernandez: Unfortunately it's a negative sir. Admiral Collins gave me the boot.

Admiral Myers: So what brings you back here in Germany?

Agent Fernandez: I'm sure that the top brass has already told you.

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