Chapter 19 - Enterprise's First Official Spy Mission

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Once again Agent Fernandez is in front of Pres. Mullins' office. Before he can even knock. Someone opens the door for him. It turns out that the president himself is expecting his arrival. He goes inside as the person who opened the door goes out and heads to another direction.

Agent Fernandez: Good morning mister president. You wanted to see me?

Pres. Mullins: Good morning too Agent Fernandez. Or should I say Capt. Fernandez.

Agent Fernandez: Whatever floats your boat mister president is fine with me.

Pres. Mullins: How are things going on at the recruitment process?

Agent Fernandez: Disappointing actually. Many of them applied for the weird reasons. While those who passed the second and third phases failed in the final phase.

Pres. Mullins: I see. Well..... No use beating around the bush. I'll get straight to the point. I have one final spy mission for you. But this time you're going to have to pick two people to come with you.

Agent Fernandez: Where will it be this time sir?

Pres. Mullins: China. The team that I sent there failed in their mission. I was forced to send a team from your former carrier strike group to rescue them.

Agent Fernandez: I met the soldier who mentioned about that mission sir.

Pres. Mullins: Lt. Cdr. Henderson?

Agent Fernandez: Yes sir. I decided to make her join the secret service to redeem herself. She is one of the applicants who is now under evaluation after passing the fourth phase.

Pres. Mullins: Why did you make her join the secret service?

Agent Fernandez: Because unlike me. Her team was sold out to the Chinese government. I took the liberty of looking into dossier files of her team while I was in Kiel. Forgive me for doing the unthinkable sir.

Pres. Mullins: And that is?

Agent Fernandez: I hunted and killed the bastard before returning to the states. I found out that he's under the payroll of the People's Liberation Army. He's been frequently receiving huge amounts of via electronic transfer.

Pres. Mullins: You did the right thing. Even though it wasn't in your line of work. But still, a rodent like him deserves to die.

Agent Fernandez: I take it that you want the China job taken care of.

Pres. Mullins: Yes. Find out who paid the bastard to betray his own comrades. And then kill him. Don't worry about contracting a virus. You and your team will be injected with nanobytes that will protect all of you from any biological weapon.

Agent Fernandez: I assume that even though Lt. Cdr. Henderson's team failed. They managed to relay some relevant information to you.

Pres. Mullins: Yes. We're able to get hold of a plan to create a virus more deadly than the CoVid-19 that struck our countries years ago.

Agent Fernandez: (Clenching his fists in anger.) I hated the previous president of my country back then. If he didn't give in to the whims of the Chinese government. The economy of my motherland would have been stable.

Pres. Mullins: Thanks to Spec-Ops we got what we needed other than the documents about China's plan to align with The Fourth Reich. I want you to assemble a team to infiltrate China and assassinate the government official that paid the soldier to sell out his own comrades.

Agent Fernandez: Actually sir I already have four people in mind to be part of my team.

Pres. Mullins: And they are?

Agent Fernandez: Agents Price, Smith, and Andrews.

Pres. Mullins: And who's the fourth one?

Agent Fernandez: Lt. Cdr. Henderson.

Pres. Mullins: I have a wild guess on why you included her on your team. She knows the ins and outs of China.

Agent Fernandez: Yes sir. If I look for someone else it will be difficult to get out of there if we get into trouble. So I need someone who's been there.

Pres. Mullins: I get it. Just like how you know every nook and cranny of Germany.

Agent Fernandez: Yes sir.

Pres. Mullins: Very well, see to it that this mission will not end up like that of Lt. Cdr. Henderson.

Agent Fernandez: Consider it done mister president.

As Agent Fernandez leaves the office of the president. He is having mixed emotions about his final mission. He's both happy and sad about the whole thing. Happy in a sense that he will be taking Enterprise and his colleagues along with him. Sad because it will be the first and last time that he and Enterprise will be working on a single mission. He heads back to the training grounds and sees that the recruitment process is over. Only twelve applicants have remained from the 150 who applied. Agent Fernandez congratulates the twelve applicants and gives them his assessment.

After that they are sent home except for Lt. Cdr. Henderson. Agent Fernandez then takes them to their office where they discuss about the mission. Enterprise, and the three other agents are happy to know that they are going on an assassination mission. Lt. Cdr. Henderson couldn't be more happier about redeeming herself after the failed mission. Using her knowledge of the territory. They carefully plan on how to assassinate the Chinese general who payed one of Diana's men to betray them.

Time Skip:

All five agents managed to slip into China without any problems. They carefully trek through the forest while looking out for invisible wires and land mines. They soon reach a military outpost which is heavily guarded. Lt. Cdr. Henderson tells them of several possible entry and exit points of the base. This is the same base where her team got all the secret documents that lead to a botched escape for her former team.

They soon got inside the base via an unguarded section. Agent Fernandez carefully places some explosives in key areas of the base. He sets the time to ten minutes. Barely giving them a wide open opportunity to escape. Agents Price, Smith, and Andrews are nervous and hoping that they wouldn't engage in a gunfight. They soon reach the office of the general who payed Lt. Cdr. Henderson's teammate. Before she can even barge in. Agent Fernandez immediately grabs Diana's hand and tells the woman not to let her emotions get the better of her. He decides that he's the one who is going to kill him.

The former spec-ops personnel agrees with what he suggests and lets him kill the unsuspecting general and two other high ranking officers. They quickly head out of the base and escape through the forest. Agent Fernandez's bombs quickly explode before one of the Chinese soldiers can even sound the alarm after discovering the dead bodies of the three officers. Enterprise quickly lights a signal flare at the extraction point. A helicopter immediately comes in and picks them up. They are now transported to the nearest US military base in Japan.

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