Chapter 33 - A Race to the North Pole

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Azur Lane Shipyard

4:00 am

Monday morning

Having picked the ship girls who will assist her in rescuing Capt. Fernandez. Enterprise carries all the weapons that she needs. Including her bow and arrows. The rescue team moves out with CVN-65 as the flagship. The rescue unit maybe small in numbers. But they are all armed to the teeth. The former ship girl boards on her daughter's ship. Once again a sense of deja vu hits her as she stands on the flight deck of nuclear powered aircraft carrier. As the sun rises from the east, the ship girls from Sakura Empire marvel at its glorious form. Akagi decides to tell Kaga about the beautiful scenery.

Akagi: Kaga look.

Kaga: What is it my dear sister Akagi?

Akagi: It's the sun rising from the clouds. It looks like the symbol on the flags of our ships.

Kaga: I never thought that it would be so beautiful in actual view. When we were ships it's the officers and crew that witnessed such a magnificent sight.

Akagi: And the pilots who flew off our flight decks witnessed it in the air as well.

Kaga: I will take this as a sign of good luck on our part of this mission.

As the fleet from Azur Lane sail towards the North Pole coming from all the way out of Hawaii. Another fleet is currently sailing towards the targeted area as well. Iron Blood has gotten word of the downing of Capt. Fernandez when Z-23 was still in the man made island base. They have a slight advantage in terms of distance. They will be crossing the Denmark Strait. The very water where Hood when was still a ship was sunk by Bismarck herself. It is also the very water where Prinz Eugen met her match in Prince of Wales. Both ship girls get the shivers just thinking about the day that engaged Hood and Wales at the Denmark Strait.

Days have passed since both Iron Blood and the combined fleet of Eagle Union, Royal Navy, and Sakura Empire embark on a journey to save Capt. Fernandez. The fallen pilot is now in his room lying on the bed awaiting his fate at the hands of the Sirens. Despite being broken down physically. He's still mentally tough. Since the Sirens have decided to relinquish control of his right arm. He is now thinking of a way to remove the robotic arm. He sees a butter knife on the table. He gets up from the bed and decides to pick it up. He begins chipping away the artificial skin to expose the ball and socket of his arm. As soon as he exposes, he cuts off the wires using another knife.

He then pulls out his trusty Walther PPK from the pocket of his flight suit and cocks it. Noticing that the door isn't locked. He slowly walks towards it and carefully opens it. As soon as he gets out, Capt. Fernandez makes a run for the exits. Meanwhile Both Iron Blood and the combined fleet from Azur Lane headquarters has reached the Siren base a few nautical miles from each other. Enterprise rides one CVN-65's jets and flies off the flight deck. Inside the base Observer Alpha and Tester Beta has discovered that their prisoner escaped. Tester Beta immediately presses the alarm that resonates all throughout the base.

Capt. Fernandez hurries to the nearest opening. He soon finds himself standing in front of the Siren shipyard. He spots an aircraft carrier and quickly boards it. He immediately sees a Siren jet parked on the flight deck. He struggles to climb on the wing in his attempt to hijack it. As soon as he's on top of the cockpit. He forcibly opens it by shooting the latch. The former secret service agent quickly gets in sees that the interior of the aircraft is similar to an F-22 raptor. He pulls off some wires and peels off the rubber coating. Capt. Fernandez then twists all the way wires together in the hopes that the aircraft would start. It didn't start up immediately and gets the hotshot pilot frustrated at the situation.

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