Chapter 12 - Hypnotic Extraction

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As the mysterious stranger makes his way towards one of the buildings housing the aircrafts under observation. Agent Fernandez goes to the bar that Prinz Eugen mentioned being near the main headquarters of Iron Blood. He was hoping to see Bismarck and Prinz Eugen inside. But they aren't there just yet. He orders a beer from the bartender and listens to the music being played in the background. Moments later two beautiful women in black gowns comes inside the bar.

 Moments later two beautiful women in black gowns comes inside the bar

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They sit beside Agent Fernandez on opposite sides

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They sit beside Agent Fernandez on opposite sides. The former naval aviator breaks the ice first.

Agent Fernandez: Akala ko di na kayo magpapakita sa akin.

Bismarck: Can you say that again in English please?

Prinz Eugen: I can't understand what you said.

Agent Fernandez: I said I thought that you two wouldn't show up on me.

Prinz Eugen: Me? Not showing up on a date? It will be an utmost disgrace on my part since I was the one who invited you to a drink.

Bismarck: As the pride of my nation. I must always show good courtesy to a worthy gentleman. And a possible ally.

Agent Fernandez: Bist du politiker Fräulein Bismarck?

Bismarck: Nein!

Agent Fernandez: Ah..... Akala ko isa kang politiko. Ganyan din kasi magsalita ang mga politiko sa bansa ko.

Bismarck: Kommandant Fernandez please say that again in English. You are making things hard for me.

Agent Fernandez: (sighs) I said I thought that you're a politician. Coz that's how politicians in my motherland say something when talking to a foreign diplomat.

Prinz Eugen: Kommandant Fernandez. Bist du wirklich ein Marineflieger?

Agent Fernandez: Ja Fräulein Eugen. Anyways before I end up talking German. Let's enjoy the night away shall we? And I promised to teach you two about speaking my native language.

Both of them: Ja!

Agent Fernandez, Bismarck and Prinz Eugen enjoy dining and drinking at the same time. Pretty soon the two ship girls asked permission from the former naval aviator to go to the restroom. The ex fighter pilot gives them a yes. He took this moment to pull out two small packets containing a drug that is a combination of a truth serum, hypnotic drug, and a special drug that will prevent a ship girl from summoning her riggings.

He pours one each in the glasses of  Prinz Eugen and Bismarck. He quickly shakes their drinks and wait for them to come back to counter. As soon as they arrived he wastes no time in giving them their drinks.

Agent Fernandez: Here you go ladies.

Bismarck: Danke Kommandant Fernandez.

Prinz Eugen: At toast to a beautiful friendship between our nations! The Philippines and Germany! Prost!

All three of them: Prost!!!

A few seconds later both girls begin to lose their balance. Agent Fernandez pretends to show a look of concern and asks them how they are feeling.

Agent Fernandez: Are you girls ok?

Prinz Eugen: I was a couple of minutes ago. I must have drank too much.

Bismarck: I guess I had too many drinks as well.

Agent Fernandez: I guess I better take you girls back to your house. I'm sure that it's just inside the base.

Prinz Eugen: (Starting to have speech problems.) Actually..... It's j-just ad-adjacent to your room.

Agent Fernandez: Very well I better take both of you home now. (Pays the bartender for the food and drinks.)

Agent Fernandez takes both girls home in a car that Bismarck drove coming to the bar. He steps on the gas pedal and heads straight to the house of Bismarck. He gets them off the car one by one. Seeing that the key of the door is hanging on a wall. Agent Fernandez quickly gets it and uses it to open the door. He then brings them inside and locks the door. Pretty soon the effects of the drug is getting stronger as both girls are now staring blankly at the pilot.

Agent Fernandez: *Good! It's taking effect now. Time to extract some info. But first I will mess with them for a while.*

Prinz Eugen: Oh master. I'm a naughty girl. I want to be punished.

Agent Fernandez: *This is going to be fun.* Alright! I want you to act like a cat.

Prinz Eugen does what she is told and starts acting like a cat. Bismarck meanwhile is now also beginning to feel the powerful effects of the drug.

Bismarck: Oh my master. I want to be punished as well.

Agent Fernandez: Start acting like a dog and chase Miss Eugen.

Bismarck begins to act like a dog and starts chasing Prinz Eugen who is still acting like a cat. The two girls continue to act like a cat and dog until Agent Fernandez decides to make them stop.

Agent Fernandez: Alright that's enough! Bismarck sit! Prinz Eugen lie down!

Both girls do as they're told and are now staring at Agent Fernandez. The former naval aviator now makes his move and begins his interrogation.

Agent Fernandez: Alright now ladies I will ask a few questions. If you give me a correct answer I will treat you to a nice dinner. What do you say?

Both girls answer him in a normal fashion.

Agent Fernandez: Ok first of all I want to know what is hidden in those three buildings.

Bismarck: The first one houses guns and ammunition for the soldiers. The second one is where we research the Siren jet and the F-18E super hornet that we stole from an American NATO command center.

Agent Fernandez: And the third building?

Prinz Eugen: That's where we are building a much larger Orochi. We intend to use it on a future invasion of  Belgium.

Agent Fernandez: What about the tank commander? What is he doing here in Iron Blood HQ?

Prinz Eugen: Once our conquest of Europe using Siren technology and American aircraft technology is done. He will serve as our fuhrer.

Agent Fernandez: And is Sakura Empire going to align itself with Iron Blood once again?

Bismarck: We are still in the process of negotiations with Sakura Empire. Apparently, their Japanese leaders don't want to align with us and instead align with the Allied Forces.

Agent Fernandez: Do you have any intention of attacking my motherland?

Prinz Eugen: The Philippines will be spared since it is a neutral country.

Agent Fernandez: What about Dragon Emperey? Are you convincing them to join you?

Bismarck: Yes. We are now close to get them to align with us.

Agent Fernandez continues to interrogate both girls who still under the influence of the drug. The former hotshot pilot stops interrogating them after getting all the necessary information that he needs. He decides to mess with them one last time. He orders them to fuck each other as he leaves Bismarck's house. He reports what he gathered to the C.I.C. officers on duty. They soon pass the word to the C.I.A. and then one of them relays the information to Pres. Mullins. He secretly calls Pearl Harbor. He tells them the info that Agent Fernandez reported to them. The former naval aviator goes to his room and changes clothes. After that he goes to the warehouses and starts planting bombs on different locations except for the three warehouses.

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