Chapter 26 - Sad News

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After contemplating on what former president Reynold Spruance told him. Pres. Mullins has decided to just inform Enterprise about Capt. Fernandez's unexpected death. He immediately pulls out his other cellphone and dials Enterprise's phone number that former Agent Fernandez gave to him prior to his reinstatement to the navy. At the same time Enterprise is already three fourths on the way to Washington DC. Her phone rings while it's charging. She puts on her bluetooth earphones and answers the incoming call.

Phone conversation between Enterprise and Pres. Mullins.

????: "Is this is Agent Endie Therese Price?"

Enterprise: Yes this is Agent Endie Therese Price speaking. Who is this?

????: "Ah.... Agent Price good thing that you answered my call. This is Pres. Mullins."

Enterprise: Oh! Good morning Mr. President. What can I do for you?

Pres. Mullins: "Can you come to my office now? I have something urgent to tell you. Use the secret entrance leading to my office. And be discreet about using it."

Enterprise: I'm already on my way to Washington DC sir. I'll be there in an hour. I hope that you mind waiting that long. I'm kinda stuck in the morning rush.

Pres. Mullins: "That's ok. I don't have any foreign engagements anyway. So I will wait for you no matter how long it takes."

Enterprise: Thank you sir.

Pres. Mullins: "By the way Agent Price."

Enterprise: Yes mister president?

Pres. Mullins: "Have you ever flown an aircraft before?"

Enterprise: No sir. I haven't. Why do you ask sir?

Pres. Mullins: "Nothing in particular. I'm sure that you want to try flying an aircraft as part of your job."

Enterprise: Yes sir I do. That way I can help former Agent Fernandez in fighting the Sirens in the air.

Pres. Mullins: "Ok then. I'll wait for you in my office. Goodbye Agent Price."

Enterprise: Yes. I'll be there mister president. And goodbye to you too sir.

End of phone conversation.

After that phone conversation between her and the president. Enterprise feels something pierce her heart all of a sudden. Deep inside of her that something is not right with the way Pres. Mullins spoke to her during that phone call. After enduring an hour on the road due to traffic. Enterprise finally made it to the Whitehouse. She heads to the back entrance and parks her car in the same spot where former Agent Fernandez use to park. She carefully heads to the secret entrance leading to the office of Pres. Mullins.

She discreetly goes inside and walks for fifteen minutes. As soon as she reaches the other end of the secret entrance. Enterprise gets out and appears in front of the office. She gently knocks on the door and wait for the president to reply.

Pres. Mullins: Come in!

Enterprise goes in and stands in front of the president. Who is seated while facing the window. She greets him and asks why he wanted to see her.

Enterprise: Good morning mister president. You wanted to see me sir?

Pres. Mullins: (Turns around and greets Enterprise as well.) Good morning too Agent Price. Yes I do. I have something important to tell you.

Enterprise: What is it sir?

Pres. Mullins: It regards Capt. Fernandez Agent Price.

Enterprise: (Gets shocked and confused about what Pres. Mullins said about her boyfriend.) With Willy? Why? What happened to him sir?

Pres. Mullins: I'm afraid that we lost him Agent Price. Apparently I was sent a false intel about the Waffen SS descendants building a secret man made island base off the coast of Palawan in the Philippines. I ordered his carrier strike group to investigate and verify the report. And then as he and his wingmen were about to return to their ship.

Enterprise: What happened when they are about to return to their ship sir?

Pres. Mullins: Streaks of purple plasma beams appeared out of nowhere. Two of which scored a direct hit on Capt. Fernandez's aircraft. According to one of his wingmen. He was knocked out unconscious. The other one then radioed about his aircraft crashing into the sea. He also reported that he couldn't tell if he survived or died in the plane crash. A huge wall of water blocked his view.

Enterprise: No it can't be. I know that he's still alive sir. I'm sure that you have ordered a search and retrieval operation to look for him.

Pres. Mullins: Yes I did. Including a news blackout. At first I didn't want to tell you because I don't know how will you react if you find out what happened to him.

Enterprise: Did they get any results from the search sir?

Pres. Mullins: No. Even Azur Lane headquarters wasn't able to find out where he is. Only fragments of his aircraft were found in different parts of Luzon in the Philippines.

Enterprise: I see. Is that all you want to tell me sir? Or there is something else that you want to tell me.

Pres. Mullins: Yes there's something else I want to tell you. I'm going to send you to Annapolis, Maryland to undergo a crash course in flying an aircraft. Once you have passed I'm going to send you on a recon mission if new reports about Capt. Fernandez's whereabouts come in. They have given up on finding him. Whether he's dead or alive.

Enterprise: Am I going to need to form a team to retrieve him sir?

Pres. Mullins: Yes but not from the secret service.

Enterprise: If not from my own team. Then where should I get my teammates?

Pres. Mullins: From Azur Lane headquarters. I want you to pick the best ship girls who can help you slip past any Siren defense system.

Enterprise: I understand sir. Will that be all sir?

Pres. Mullins: Yes Agent Price. That will be all. I will call you if something new comes up.

Enterprise: I will take my leave now sir.

Pres. Mullins: Agent Price!

Enterprise: Yes sir?

Pres. Mullins: I almost forgot that I have to attend the July 4th independence day celebration two days for now. Will you escort me personally?

Enterprise: Of course sir. I don't want to stay home and just sulk over Willy's sudden disappearance.

Pres. Mullins: Thank you Agent Price. You may leave now. And please don't tell anyone that we had a secret meeting.

Enterprise: Thank you mister president. Don't worry about it sir. My lips are sealed mister president. This conversation between us never happened. (Goes out of the office and closes the door.)

Pres. Mullins: Smart girl.

Enterprise heads to the secret entrance with a heavy heart. Once again she has to worry about where her boyfriend is. But this time it is different from the last one she felt. The uncertainty of Willy being dead or alive. In her mind, she knows who might have shot down the former secret service agent's aircraft. The minute Pres. Mullins mentioned the purple plasma beams. The Sirens comes immediately to her mind. But what is their reason in shooting him down remains a mystery. And she has made up her mind to get to bottom of things concerning the Sirens.

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