Chapter 30 - Eyes of the Enemy

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As the Enterprise carrier strike group head towards Azur Lane headquarters. Back at the North Pole. Capt. Fernandez is now fully awake and gets surprised at his surroundings. He begins to think about what happened to him two weeks ago at the West Philippine Sea.

Capt. Fernandez's thoughts:

*Two weeks ago my carrier strike group was task to investigate and verify a report about the Waffen SS descendants building a secret island base off the coast of Palawan. Admiral Collins asked me personally to investigate the area with two rookie pilots. But when we got there nothing was registering on our radars. I gave the order that we circle the place five times. But we still didn't get the results we wanted. Then I radioed the ship about the results of our recon mission. I had a feeling that it was a ruse. So I decided to order my wingmen to return to the boat immediately. But then my aircraft was shot by purple plasma beams. The direction from which they came from is unknown. The last thing I remember was I got knocked out as my aircraft shook violently. I don't what happened after that. I just hope that I am not a captive of Iron Blood. Judging from the way Fraulein Eugen and Fraulein Bismarck looked at me after learning I was a spy. They wanted to torture me if I wasn't able to escape. But if I am a prisoner of the Sirens. Then things might become worst for me.*

Capt. Fernandez continues to look around his surroundings and begins to see everything clearly. However, just as he tries to move. He notices something different about the room he is in. He also notices that he is chained to the wall. Only his legs are the ones that are not tied down by chains. Despite being chained, he still observes the area for any weak spot. Seconds later the door opens and two female figures enter the room.

????: Ah..... You're finally awake.

????: Looks like you had a good sleep handsome.

Capt. Fernandez: Who are you?! And where am I?! Why am I chained to the wall?! What do you want from me?!

????: Before we answer your questions. You should eat first.

????: We don't want you to die due to having an empty stomach. Don't we?

Capt. Fernandez: As if I'm going to eat that! For all I know you might have spiked it with a tranquilizer serum to make me weak.

????: He sure is quite cautious of what we are giving him Observer Alpha.

Observer Alpha: Yes he is Tester Beta. Yes he is. What makes you think that we put a tranquilizer serum in your food human?

Capt. Fernandez: Quite simple Miss Observer Alpha. To make me weak until I lose consciousness. Once that happens. You're going to take me to a room where you will conduct all sorts of experiments on me.

Tester Beta: To make you weak until you become unconscious no. But to conduct experiments on you yes. We're going to set you free for the time being. But we will stay here and watch you to make sure that escaping us will be impossible.

Tester Beta removes the chains off Capt. Fernandez. The captured pilot then eats the food that is given to him by the Sirens. Seconds later he is chained once again after drinking water. The two Sirens leave the fallen pilot alone and closes the door. It's been like that everyday. As soon as he regains his strength that's when the Sirens start to experiment on his body. They subject him to all kinds of test. And sometimes electrocuting him everytime they ask him about what humanity is currently doing. What they don't know is that Capt. Fernandez is well trained in not revealing any secret that humanity is keeping. His body has become weak again due to electric shock.

He passes out on the final day of the Sirens experiment on him. At this point, they strap him on the bed and inject a high dosage of anesthesia. Capt. Fernandez loses his consciousness and falls asleep. One of the Sirens pulls his right eye from its socket. She then places an artificial eye that is actually a spy camera in the socket. Afterwards they take him to a different room. This time they don't chain him and instead just let him lie on the bed. After a few days of being unconscious. The hotshot pilot wakes up. However he quickly senses something different about his head. As well as the room he is in.

He looks at his reflection on a mirror and gets shocked at what he sees. His right eye has been replaced with an artificial eye. It wasn't just an ordinary artificial eye. It is an eye camera that has been placed on the right eye socket. He immediately concluded that the Sirens might have placed it when he was out cold due to so much electric shock that his body can handle. Observer Alpha and Tester Beta then enters the room and ask him about his eye.

Observer Alpha: How do you like your new eye human?

Capt. Fernandez: What have you done to me?!

Tester Beta: We just replaced your old eye with a new one.

Capt. Fernandez: You call this an eye?! It feels more like a camera!

Observer Alpha: Yes it is a camera. From now on you will be our eyes in the human world captain.

Tester Beta: With that camera eye. We will be able to find out what you humans have been doing lately. Especially with the Orochi that Sakura Empire built.

Capt. Fernandez: So you were really planning on using me right from the very start.

Observer Alpha: Yes that's true. It's the Empress III who ordered your capture. We've also altered part of your body.

Capt. Fernandez: What do you mean?

Tester Beta: It means that you're now part human and part cyborg. Your right arm is under our control. You will be completely under our control very soon human.

Capt. Fernandez: As if I'm going to allow that. (Grabs a fork and charges Observer Alpha.)

Observer Alpha: Oh no you don't. (Presses a button in her hand.)

Capt. Fernandez: What the?! I can't move my arm! What have you done with my arm?!

Tester Beta: Like I said earlier. We altered your arm. It may look like a real arm. But it is actually a robotic arm that we can control even though you're far away from us.

Observer Alpha: In other words. You are under our control. And there's nothing that you can do about it.

Capt. Fernandez's situation has turned for the worst. He is now under the control of the Sirens. Even if he manages to escape he will be ending up as a spy for them. His only way is severe his right eye and his right arm. Meanwhile at Azur Lane island, the USS Enterprise CVN-80 is now nearing the docks. Base commander Andrea Sanders has also been given an instruction by Pres. Mullins to allow the aircraft carrier to dock there and drop Agent Endie Therese Price (Enterprise) so that she can select a few ship girls for the rescue mission.

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