Chapter 18 - The New Recruit

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Two weeks before Agent Fernandez went back to the United States.

Agent Fernandez decides to go to a bar after checking in a hotel in Kiel. He sees a bar that is just a few feet away from the hotel he's staying in. He goes inside and orders a couple of beers with some side dishes. As soon as he finishes eating and drinking what he ordered. Someone from the other side of the bar starts to make a scene. And this annoys the bartender.

????: Fucking high command! Hic! Who the hell they think they are?! Hic! What is wrong with resenting an order wherein I have to abandon my team?! Hic! When I get back in the shervice! Hic! I will let them know that I made the right call! Hic!

Bartender: Diese Frau. Sie immer kommt hier. Wein bestellen wird betrunken. Und dann sie fängt an zu machen. Es ist so nervig.

Agent Fernandez: Lass mich damit umgehen.

Bartender: Danke.

Agent Fernandez: Gerne geschehen.

Agent Fernandez decides to go to where the woman making a scene in the bar is. He sees the woman who is about the same age as Agent Brewster. And she almost has the same physical features of his ex-girlfriend. But that didn't stop him from confronting the drunken lady.

Agent Fernandez: Excuse me miss. But I think it would be wise if you can leave your personal matters at home. And not take them to a place like this.

????: Oh yeah! Hic! Don't you know who I am?! Hic! And who the fuck are you?! Hic!

Agent Fernandez: Well I don't know you in the first place. Tell me your name first and I will tell you mine. Then let's talk about what you're ranting at.

????: Are you hitting on me?! Hic!

Agent Fernandez: Nope! But if you don't cooperate I can get pretty violent even though you're a woman.

????: Hic! Like I fucking care! Hic!

The drunk woman immediately goes for an attack on Agent Fernandez. But the soon to be former secret agent is quick on his toes. He dodges the punch and grabs the lady's arm. He puts it behind her back. The sudden twisting of her arm makes the woman scream in pain. Agent Fernandez takes the drunk woman out of the bar and takes her to a dimly lit alley to personally interrogate her. And know what she is mad about at the bar.

????: Ow! Ow! Ow! Let go of me you bastard!

Agent Fernandez: Not until you answer my questions first. (Ties one arm to a staircase while drawing his Walther PPK pistol.)

????: Who are you?!

Agent Fernandez: I'm the one who is going to ask questions miss. (Points the gun at her head.) If you cooperate with me I will untie you. If you don't. Then you can say goodbye to this world in humiliation.

????: (Gets scared at the way Agent Fernandez talked about killing her.) Alright I'll cooperate.

Agent Fernandez: I knew you would come to your senses eventually. Now what's your name?

????: My name is Lt. Cdr. Diana Louise Henderson. I'm the commanding officer of one of several spec-ops personnel. Or I used to be a member.

Agent Fernandez: Well then Cdr. Henderson I'm Lt. Cdr. Willy Fernandez. I'm a returning naval aviator. Now what's your beef with your CO's?

????: It was an infiltration mission in China. Our job was to steal some classified documents about China's plan to align with Iron Blood. Unfortunately someone sold us out.

Agent Fernandez: Get to the point. Coz your mission is related to my last mission for the president.

Lt. Cdr. Henderson: High command wants me to abandon two members of my team after they were severely injured. I resented the order and decided to take care of them while we await extraction.

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