Chapter 9 - A Worried Partner

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(Author's Note: I stated in the chapter seven about the jobs of the four secret service agents. Enterprise does not only visit her new friends but decides to help them with their business. I don't know if real life Secret Service agents in the United States can go back to their previous jobs. Or if they have any respite from escort and security duties. If there's any American reading this. Please comment if real secret service agents have any days off or sent on spy missions.)

It's been only a week since Agent Fernandez left for Germany. But his partner Enterprise can't seem to hide her worries about him. It's a good thing that she's at home spacing out. She suddenly hears a knock on the door of her room in the apartment that she is living in.

Enterprise: (Cocks her gun and places it behind her back.) Who is it?

????: Agent Price! It's me Agent Smith!

Enterprise: (Puts the gun on safety and opens the door.) Agent Smith. What do you want from me?

Agent Smith: Can I come in first before answering your question?

Enterprise: Oh yeah I forgot. Please come in. Welcome to my humble abode. Have a seat.

Agent Smith: Thank you. Nice place you got here. Not too fancy and not too shabby. Just right for someone who lives alone. I wish I could afford to live in an apartment like this. (Sits down on of the chairs.)

Enterprise: (Sits on the other side.) You can if you want to. Now what do you want from me?

Agent Smith: Oh yeah I almost forgot. The president is going to the Philippines where the 36th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation or APEC will be held. We have been recalled back to escort duties. Agent Andrews says he's good to go. What about you?

Enterprise: I'm in. There's not much to do anyways. When are we leaving?

Agent Smith: We leave two days from now. However we have one problem.

Enterprise: And that would be?

Agent Smith: Agent Fernandez. He seems to be out of reach. I called his phone so many times. All I get is a voice recording. Do you know where he is right now?

Enterprise: He came to the fastfood restaurant where I work part time a week ago.

Agent Smith: And then what did he do?

Enterprise: He ordered a burger meal.

Agent Smith: Did he say anything suspicious?

Enterprise: What do you mean?

Agent Smith: I mean did he say anything that has to do with his sudden disappearance again.

Enterprise: He says that he's going to Las Vegas to do aircraft reintegration training.

Agent Smith: Aircraft reintegration training? That's something only military pilots would say.

Enterprise: I thought you guys knew that he used to be in the navy.

Agent Smith: No we didn't. We all thought that he was a civilian applying for a job as a secret service agent. What branch of the navy he used to be?

Enterprise: He used to be a naval aviator.

Agent Smith: How long will he be training?

Enterprise: He says that he's going to be training for a month or two.

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