Chapter 36 - Preparations for War

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As the Azur Lane fleet head back to their base. Enterprise is at loss for words after what Capt. Fernandez requested her to do. Faint images of her shooting his right eye keep playing with her eyes. In Enterprise's mind, what he asked her to do could have gotten him killed. And it might make her regret granting his request. She decides to go to the front and stand in the middle of the catapults. Capt. Fernandez who has just rested after a long grueling day walks up to her. He notices that she is still bothered by his request. He decides to go talk with her about what happened a few hours back.

Capt. Fernandez: (Walking slowly towards Enterprise.) You're still thinking about what happened awhile back?

Enterprise: Yes. Until now I keep thinking what if I killed you instead of destroying the camera.

Capt. Fernandez: Don't regret it if you accidentally killed me. Things like that will always happen. Lesson number five Endie.

Enterprise: But still. We're a couple now. I don't want to live without you by my side.

Capt. Fernandez: I know. That's why I will do everything in my power to come back to you alive.

Enterprise: Then quit the navy and return to the secret service.

Capt. Fernandez: Endie we talked about that already.

Enterprise: Can you blame me for worrying about you too much? I almost lost you. I don't know what to do if you're no longer in my life.

Capt. Fernandez: I know that you're enjoying your new life now. But whether I get killed or not. You still have the option to be the ship girl that you're once.

Enterprise: No! I don't want to go back to my old life. All I did was fight and never cared about coming back dead or alive.

Capt. Fernandez: I guess you are just as stubborn as I am. Endie, once this fight against the Sirens is over. Let's get married. What do you say?

Enterprise: I love to! I love you Willy!

Willy: I love you too Endie.

After exchanging their "I love you's" with each other. Enterprise hugs the captain of her heart tightly. Capt. Fernandez hugs her despite having only one arm. They go inside the island of CVN-65 and head straight to one of the quarters. There they get into a heated passionate moment without worrying about anyone disturbing them. They savor every moment of the long journey. It is almost evening when they reached Azur Lane headquarters. As soon as they reach the man made island base. Capt. Fernandez is immediately taken to Lt. Cdr. Sanders office for debriefing. The same goes for Enterprise and the other ship girls. After that the fallen hotshot pilot is taken to the infirmary for medical examination purposes as well.

While he is being examined by the doctors. Lt. Cdr. Sanders goes to her secret room and calls Pres. Mullins using the secret hotline. The president answers her why she is calling him. She replies about having Capt. Fernandez in her base. Pres. Mullins is elated about his most trusted agent being rescued alive. Meanwhile, Enterprise is in her old room talking with her sisters Yorktown and Hornet, together with Vestal. Belfast suddenly appears in front of her Enterprise's room and knocks on the door. The three girls immediately stop calling Enterprise by her old name and begin addressing her as Lt. Price. Everything seems to be back to normal in the base. But not for humanity. The Sirens are making preparations for one final showdown with the humans and Azur Lane. The only person who holds the key to stop them is Capt. Fernandez.

Time Skip:

It's been a week since Capt. Fernandez has returned stateside. Despite given the order to take a one month leave of absence. He decides to go and talk with Pres. Mullins at the Whitehouse. He books a T.N.V.S. driver to take him to Washington DC. He carries his trusty 357 magnum revolver and places it in a holster. He goes outside of his house and waits for the driver. The driver arrives in a BMW coupe and stops in front of the hotshot pilot's house. He opens the backseat doors and assists Capt. Fernandez in getting in inside the car. Capt. Fernandez thanks the driver for assisting him. After that he tells him where they are heading.

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