Chapter 39 - The Final Preparations

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Days, weeks have passed since the Sirens have announced their threat to Enterprise. Every nation has had their hands full as they continue to set up sea, air, and land defense systems. Surface to air missile batteries are setup in strategic locations. Anti-aircraft artillery batteries are also have been setup. At this moment former secret service agent Michelle Brewster is now back in South Korea. She has kept her word about not calling Agent Fernandez or Enterprise ever again. She has also made a decision to never get involve with Iron Blood. Although they are still considering in helping humanity. Iron Blood's leader Bismarck is still mum on capturing the elusive United States Secret Service Agent Wilfredo Fernandez. She's still furious over the fact that their main headquarters got easily infiltrated by someone like him.

Because majority of their facilities were destroyed by the bombs Agent Fernandez planted. They transferred to another area of Germany where the descendants of the Waffen SS have built a bunker. However many of them were arrested immediately by NATO forces. It turns out that US president Mullins has sent a copy of Agent Fernandez's mission report to NATO's main headquarters. The ship girls of Iron Blood were spared because of their contribution in the war against the Sirens. Meanwhile in an old fashioned building in Great Britain. Codebreakers are on the job monitoring any Siren activity. The same goes for the US codebreakers in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii under the supervision of Rear Admiral Henry Rochefort. A descendant of Admiral Joe Rochefort. The man responsible for breaking the Japanese secret codes. American and German soldiers forces have begin running constant training exercises. Including machine gun training.

Meanwhile in Washington DC. Pres. Mullins is currently preparing for a visit to Germany. Once again he is escorted by Agent Fernandez and Enterprise. While Agents Smith and Andrews wait outside of the Whitehouse. Agent Henderson and the four new recruits are waiting in another helicopter. Agent Fernandez, Enterprise, and Pres. Mullins are now outside of the Whitehouse. They walk towards Marine One and board the helicopter one by one. As soon as the four senior agents and the president have gotten in. The two helicopters take off and head towards the air base where Air Force One is currently being readied for take off.

Minutes later the presidential entourage arrives at the airbase. They begin to board Air Force One as the plane remains on standby. As soon as everyone is inside the aircraft. The pilot taxis the jumbo jet to the runway. A few seconds later the plane takes off and heads straight for Germany. Enterprise feels uncomfortable about the trip to the land where Iron Blood was formed. She couldn't hide the fact that Agent Fernandez might get kidnapped all of a sudden. The temporary secret service agent sees that she's feeling uneasy about the trip. He decides to stand up from his seat and signals Enterprise to follow him to a private area of Air Force One.

The minute they got to the conference room of Air Force One. Agent Fernandez immediately confronts Enterprise about her uneasiness.

Agent Fernandez: Is there something wrong Endie? You seem to be feeling uncomfortable about this trip.

Enterprise: Its about Iron Blood. You told me everything that happened there. I'm afraid that you might suddenly get kidnapped by Prinz Eugen or Bismarck.

Agent Fernandez: I see. You're also worried that I might go through the same ordeal that I had back at the Sirens mountain base. Am I correct?

Enterprise: There's no telling when and where they will try to take you away from me. I'm scared of losing you again. You were lucky to escape from the clutches of the Sirens. But there's no assurance that you're going to escape them without getting hurt.

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