Chapter 29 - Call Sign "Grey Phantom"

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(Author's Note: This chapter coincides with chapter 28. Enterprise is now on her first day training. Is she's going to be under the command of the same man who trained Pres. Mullins and Capt. Fernandez. With all that said and done. Let's begin chapter 29.)

After a two day rest at the dormitory. Enterprise decides to go for an early jog. Something she also learned from Willy. Unknown to her a pair of watchful eyes are observing her as she casually jogs around the campus. Seconds later she goes for a sprint run. The owner of the eyes observing her speaks to himself about what he is seeing on the ground.

????: Damn she's got a lot of stamina.

After jogging and running for combined total of forty rounds. Enterprise heads back to her room to make and eat breakfast. As she finishes eating her breakfast. Enterprise then takes a shower and then dries herself up. She puts on a standard naval midshipman uniform that Pres. Mullins provided her before leaving Newport, Virginia. She enters the building and goes to a private classroom of her own. She sits down at her desk and waits for whoever her instructor will be. Minutes later a man in a naval officer's uniform enters the special room.

????: You must be Agent Endie Therese Price. Am I correct?

Enterprise: Yes sir. You are correct. I believe you already know my purpose for coming here.

????: Yes. Steel Heart told me everything about it. Just to let you know. I'm very strict when it comes to training new pilots. Many have decided to quit and join the other branches of the military. However two people stood out among their peers. One is Pres. Mullins call sign Steel Heart.

Enterprise: And the other one?

????: Capt. Wilfredo Fernandez. Call sign Wild Fox. I forgot to introduce myself to you properly. My name is Vice Admiral Gerald R. Ferguson call sign Snapshot. Like I said earlier. I'm very strict when it comes to training new pilots. Are you up to the challenge Miss Price?

Enterprise: I'd be a hypocrite If I say that I'm unfazed by what you said. The truth is I am nervous as hell. This is my first time to learn how to fly an airplane sir. But how did Willy get the call sign Wild Fox. And the same goes for Pres. Mullins.

Vice Admiral Ferguson: With Pres. Mullins it was former president Reynold Spruance who gave him that call sign. With Capt. Fernandez, he earned that call sign due to the fact that he always flew recklessly.

Enterprise: He flew recklessly?

Vice Admiral Ferguson: Yes. Last time I heard, he was a member of the secret service. And then got reinstated back to the navy. Well I guess he must have changed after being the president's bodyguard. But enough of that. I hope that you are up to the challenge Agent Price.

Enterprise: Don't worry sir. I have faced so many challenges before.

Vice Admiral Ferguson: Good! We will start with a classroom lecture first. Then we will train with the basic turbo props aircraft then gradually advance to the jet fighters.

Enterprise: I understand sir.

Enterprise begins her training with classroom lectures from former naval aviator Vice Admiral Ferguson. She is quickly fast to learn everything that the R.A.G. instructor tells her. For three weeks Enterprise did nothing but listen to all the things Vice Admiral Ferguson had to teach her. After that they flew the basic trainer aircraft for three weeks again. And finally she advanced to flying a fighter jet on her own. Enterprise cherished every moment she spent in Annapolis. And finally the day that she has finally graduated has arrived. But since she's alone in the entirety of her training. She leaves Annapolis with a smile on her face. She knows that she will be able to help her boyfriend take out the Siren jets in the air.

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