Chapter 41 - Wedding Vows

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With the war against the Sirens finally came to conclusion. Peace once again reigned over the planet. Countries that were totally devastated by the attacks slowly begin the rebuilding process. The International Earth Defense Federation has decided to remain a unifying force. SEATO and NATO member nations have agreed to have the federation take full authority when it comes international affairs. But it has no control when it comes to domestic affairs. The men and women who died in combat were given the proper honors for their sacrifice.

Meanwhile in Washington DC. Inside the secret service headquarters. Agent Fernandez and Enterprise decide to quit being members of the secret service formally. Pres. Mullins accepts their resignations. Even though he is saddened by the fact that he's losing two of his best agents. The leadership of their team is passed on to agents Smith, Andrews, and Henderson. Agent Henderson opted to stay in the secret service after learning the ropes from Agent Fernandez and Enterprise. They decide to have an impromptu farewell party after office hours. All of them head to the bar in Bremerton where they celebrate the night away. Instead of being a sad occasion. The celebration turned out to be a happy one. Each one of them keeps talking about their previous work prior to joining the secret service.

After that they called it a night and went home. Agent Fernandez and Enterprise opted to go somewhere else after drinking. Although Enterprise has her own car. She opted to leave it in the garage of her house in Newport, Virginia. Agent Fernandez decides to take the former ship girl to New York City. They didn't mind the long journey from Washington DC to New York City. They have each other for company. Once in awhile the former secret service agents would glance at each other and kiss on every stop that they make. As soon as they reach New York. They visited all of the famous landmarks including the Statue of Liberty. And this where former secret service agent Fernandez decides to make his wedding proposal to Enterprise.

Agent Fernandez: Well Endie, I guess this is it.

Enterprise: Yes it is. Finally things are peaceful again. I hope that the Sirens will stay true to their word.

Agent Fernandez: I'm definitely sure that will honor their word. Coz if they don't, then I will have the last laugh on them.

Enterprise: What do you mean?

Agent Fernandez: I planted a few bombs in their old mountain base at the North Pole.

Enterprise: So before they can even think about trying to invade our planet again. You're going to blow them up. Am I correct?

Agent Fernandez: Yup. And I did that after the war. Plus I stole a few Siren secrets and gave it to Pres. Mullins before calling it quits as a secret service agent.

Enterprise: Now that you're no longer an agent like I am. What are you going to do now?

Agent Fernandez: I have decided to continue my duty as a naval aviator.

Enterprise: Oh I see. Then that means you're going to be away from me over and over again.

Agent Fernandez: Not necessarily.

Enterprise: What? Why? I don't get it.

Agent Fernandez: That's because I have decided to use my option of becoming a Top Gun instructor.

Enterprise: Then that means.

Agent Fernandez: Yes Endie. You and I will be spending the rest of our lives in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Enterprise: Oh Willy..... I don't know what to say. I'm so happy for us.

Agent Fernandez: That is why I want to fulfill what I said to you once the war ended.

Enterprise: What you said to me?

Agent Fernandez: That I will marry you as soon as the war against the Sirens ends.

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