Chapter 35 - A Gruesome Request

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As Enterprise temporarily regains her powers and riggings all thanks to Code G for offering it. She looks at Observer Alpha and Tester Beta as they stop what they are doing and decide to face her. Both Sirens aim their guns at Enterprise and start firing away at her. She dodges them with ease while her unmanned aircraft retaliate with their 50 caliber machine guns. One of them dives simultaneously with Enterprise's jump. She lands on the cockpit of the aircraft and then she pulls the string of her bow. Three yellow arrows appear in between her fingers. She launches them at the two Sirens. Two arrows score a direct hit on Tester Beta. Observer Alpha manages to evade the third arrow. But one of her guns gets nicked by the arrow.

Minutes later the other Sirens join up with them and start shooting at Enterprise. She return fires at them while Capt. Fernandez is rapidly descending from the sky. Prinz Eugen appears out of the clouds to try and catch him. However she is quickly noticed by Enterprise. The former ship girl launches an arrow at Prinz Eugen as a sign of not to touch him. Moments later the other ship girls arrive to engage the Sirens in a deadly battle over the North Pole. Just as Capt. Fernandez is about to hit the water. An unmanned SBD with an open cockpit appears out of nowhere and catches the fallen pilot. It then flies off to another location. The plane then lands on CVN-65's flight deck. The other ship girls who are not engaged in combat quickly assist Enterprise's boyfriend.

Meanwhile Enterprise now focuses her attention on Observer Alpha and Tester Beta. The two Sirens seem to be pleased upon seeing her again. Both of them decide to talk to her before engaging Enterprise in battle.

Observer Alpha: Hello there Enterprise. Long time no see.

Tester Beta: Where were you when we attacked again? It was lonely fighting your friends without your presence.

Enterprise: Shut up! What the hell did you do to my lover?!!

Tester Beta: Oh it wasn't us who changed his appearance. It was the others who did it.

Observer Alpha: All we did was torture him a bit since he doesn't want to tell what the humans like him are currently doing.

Enterprise: That's because he's been......

Just before she can finish her sentence. A purple plasma beam suddenly came out of nowhere and narrowly misses Enterprise. It's source then reveals herself to the former ship girl.

????: Well well well...... It seems that the girl who severed my head off my body has finally showed up again. I'm going to get my revenge now.

Enterprise: Purifier! I should have known that you would have the guts to show up again. Are you the one who altered my lover's right arm?

Purifier: That's right Grey Ghost. I was the one who altered that man's right arm. And it was Arbiter who altered his right eye.

Enterprise: You shall pay for what you did to him. Get ready to meet your maker Siren!

A fight ensues between Purifier and Enterprise. Both of them go at it with all of their guns blazing. Especially Enterprise's five inch and eight inch rifles. Her Bofors and Orlieken anti-aircraft guns fire at Purifier's guns. Observer and Tester watch from the sidelines as the two combatants go at it with all their might. Purifier thought that they will be on equal terms after being given a new body. She was wrong. Enterprise has become stronger than before. And Capt. Fernandez has everything to do with her additional fighting strength.

Purifier: (breathing heavily) How?! How have you become stronger than before?! There's no way for you to get stronger after not appearing again for a long time!

Enterprise: I have to thank my lover for teaching me new fighting techniques. Especially what the humans call martial arts.

Purifier: Grrrr...... I will beat you up even if it means using up all of my powers!!!

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