Chapter 40 - The Final Showdown

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A week after disrupting the meeting of the International Earth Defense Federation. Empress III and the rest of the Sirens begin their journey to the Philippines. Because their inter-dimensional portals give off static electricity emissions. The Sirens unveiled a new inter-dimensional portal device that cannot be detected. Meanwhile inside the secret service headquarters. Agent Fernandez turns on his laptop and connects his flash drive. As soon as the drive G window opens. He immediately scrolls down on each file that he may have forgot to open. Or accidentally neglected it.

Agent Fernandez is relieved that he didn't miss out any folder. Including the one that contains a ridiculous battle strategy. He closes the drive G window and turns off his laptop. He then stands up and goes to Enterprise's desk. The former ship girl is finishing up on her own set of paperwork. Agent Fernandez approaches her and ask Enterprise to have lunch with him. She gladly accepts his invitation and turns off her laptop as well. Both agents head out of the headquarters and decide to eat at a local diner frequented by secret service and C.I.A. agents. It's very popular among the law enforcement agencies. Including the local police force.

The following week all hell begins to break lose. The Sirens have started their attack on every civilian and naval vessel sailing on the ocean. One fourth of their main attack fleet is bombarding the Philippine Islands with plasma beams. While their aircraft strafe the anti-aircraft defenses. Agent Fernandez and Enterprise quickly fly their super hornets to intercept the enemy aircraft. Other pilots from the Pacific fleet join them disrupting the Siren attacks. Agent Fernandez can only look in exasperation at the devastation done by the Sirens on his motherland. High rise buildings, houses, schools, and religious centers turned into piles of ruble.

Luckily hospitals and other medical facilities were spared. Civilian casualties are kept at minimum as they were informed about the impending attack beforehand. Other countries are also in the same situation as the Philippines. Russia was completely devastated as all buildings including the Kremlin were reduced to ruble. The Siren ships that attack weren't the same mass produced ships that Sakura Empire had. They showed no signs of breaking down. But they are still susceptible to anti-ship weapons. MiG and Sukhoi fighter jets worked doubly hard in intercepting Siren jets over their airspace. The whole world was in a complete struggle to defeat the Sirens. Azur Lane and the rest of the US Navy Pacific Fleet are also heavily engaged in combat. Many of the ship girls are hoping that Enterprise would show up again and help them.

Total chaos was avoided as all the civilians were safely brought to more modern underground bunkers complete with all the amenities. Meanwhile back in the Philippines. A total of forty Siren ships have been sunk. While aircraft shot down was over one hundred fifty. All of the enemy's vessels and planes have been put out commission. Agent Fernandez radios Enterprise that the intercept mission is a complete success.

Agent Fernandez: Looks like that's all of them Endie.

Enterprise: "Yes. It seems like it. I'm not getting any reading on my radar."

Agent Fernandez: Let's head back to the boat and get some rest.

Enterprise: "Roger!"

Agent Fernandez's squadron that includes Enterprise, El Camino, and Junkyard immediately head back to the carrier to refuel and reload. Despite flying in an airplane with one functional eye. Agent Fernandez is still able to kill twenty Siren jets. Totalling his number of kills to thirty. Including the ones he shot down in the airspace of Azur Lane headquarters. Thus making him a super ace. The remaining half of the Pacific fleet assisting the Azur Lane ship girls are also finished with their job in destroying the Siren fleet that attacked them at the same time the other forces are engaging them.

Because the attack was worldwide. It took its toll on the I.E.D.F. Those with moderate to no naval fleets were easily crushed. If it wasn't for the anti-ship and anti-aircraft defense systems. Plus the assistance of the other naval fleets that quickly disposed the other Siren fleets. Instead of humanity being pushed out of the mighty oceans. The Sirens are the ones who're being pushed back to where they came from. But there's one fleet that is now threatening Midway island. With its forces down to fifty percent. The federation had no choice but to send its finest capital ships to intercept the Sirens. At this point, the original Orochi and the much bigger one built by Iron Blood are now ready for combat.

Agent Fernandez and Enterprise on board the USS Enterprise CVN-80 are part of the intercepting fleet. The final showdown date has been set. It falls on the same day the first battle of Midway occured. Preparations for hopefully the last encounter with the Sirens has stepped up. Scout ships and aircraft patrol the skies and seas in search of the enemy. Submarines scour the ocean depths for any possible threat that will appear out of nowhere. The federation has formed the biggest fleet to defend humanity for hopefully one last time. And finally get rid of the Sirens from the face the earth for eternity.

Time Skip:

June 4 2026

Off the coast Midway island.

The Siren fleet shows themselves in the area where Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, and Hiryu sunk when they were still ships. The carriers and the Leviathan launch their jets as all of the Sirens take to the skies and wait for the I.E.D.F. to arrive. Moments later, the Siren jets arrive at Midway. The unmanned jets begin their assault on the island that was once the bone contention between the United States and Japan. The air raid siren is immediately sounded as the enemy aircraft approaches the base.

The soldiers in their different battle stations quickly open fire at the incoming enemy with anti-aircraft defenses. A lot of the aircraft manage to break through the combat air patrol. But quickly meet heavy resistance from the ground troops. Once again the runway gets creamed with machine gun and missiles. But it wasn't enough to make it unusable. The first wave of attackers head back to the ships with minimal losses. Just as a second wave is about to be launched. Plasma beams from the two Orochis suddenly appeared. Four of the several battleships were immediately pulverized. Three aircraft carriers are sunk. The Leviathan return fires at the two hybrid ships. While the ship girls of Azur Lane concentrate their attention on the other ships. Ships belongings to the I.E.D.F. join the fray. The aircraft carriers launch their multirole aircraft as well as their single role planes. Once again Agent Fernandez and Enterprise take to the air. Enterprise scores her twenty fifth kill.

Agent Fernandez on the other hand scores five more kills. The ships slug it out as the much bigger Leviathan scores three direct hits on the original Orochi. And four direct hits on the other Orochi that is built in Iron Blood headquarters. Some of the I.E.D.F. ships were badly damaged. Others managed to score direct torpedo hits on the Siren fleet. Multirole aircraft continuously drop anti-ship contact bombs. And they are more powerful than the ones used in world war two. The Sirens were completely caught off guard. They are put on the defensive by the federation. Pretty soon all of the remaining Siren fleet was wiped out. The only ship left is the Leviathan.

Empress III suddenly made a statement praising the federation for being able to last that long and to finally defeat them.

Empress III: International Earth Defense Federation! I commend you for defeating us. We shall head back to our dimension and never return to this world again. We have finally seen the results of our experiment on your planet.

The leader of the Sirens opens several portals leading to their dimension. One by one, the Sirens enter the portal while leaving the damaged ships for the humans to decide on what to do with them. Agent Fernandez is happy to know that the war against the Sirens is finally over. Humanity can now live normally again. He decides that it was time for him to propose to Enterprise. The hotshot pilot turned secret agent carefully plans on where he will do his proposal for Enterprise. He has already mentioned to Enterprise about marrying her once the war against the Sirens is over.

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