Chapter 6 - Secretly Hurting

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While Agent Fernandez and the rest of the presidential entourage enjoy their dinner. Enterprise decides to eat somewhere else specifically the room where she used to stay when she was still a ship girl. The former naval aviator notices his partner leaving the mess hall but didn't bother to follow her. He just stays where he is and keeps a tight watch on the president while eating. He unbuttons his blazer and unintentionally reveals his 357 magnum. Moments later the president decides that they stay in Azur Lane and go back to the United States the following morning.

Luckily there is a vacant building that serves like hotel for guests like Pres. Mullins. Hood, Bismarck, and Wales take their honored guests to the building where they will stay. The members of the secret service take turns in guarding the president and his family. While the joint chiefs of staffs are sleeping individually. Agent Fernandez decides to go for an evening stroll to make himself feel sleepy. He is suddenly hit with the thought of what happened in the morning when his partner's mood suddenly changed from serious to a depressed state.

Willy's PoV:

"The day I first saw my partner, I knew that she would make a great agent like me. I'm still capable of fighting and dying for the president. But I'm a fighter pilot. I belong in the air. Although making those unauthorized flybys was stupid. I never regret doing them just one bit. Yet somehow I can sense that something is off with Endie. At first I thought that she's one tough girl. When I first saw her, she was ready to defend herself when I secretly followed her. I thought to myself that she's a tough one. I was wrong. She has a soft spot. The feeling of uneasiness. Being uncomfortable in an environment that she seems to be familiar with. And being sad after I let go of the ship girl named Vestal. It's like she's hiding a secret just like me. I better find out tonight. I won't rest until I get what I want from her."

End of Willy's PoV:

As Agent Fernandez walks out the door. He sees Enterprise heading to the beach on her own. His curiosity about his partner begins to kick in. He decides to follow her discreetly and avoid getting noticed like the last time. He pulls out his gun just in case Enterprise draws her pistol on him. Meanwhile, Enterprise walks towards the beach with her head bowed down. She knows that lying to her old friend was wrong. But she had to do it. Otherwise it will be dangerous for her if she reveals who she really is.

Enterprise's PoV:

"I didn't want to hurt Vestal's feelings. It's been a long time since we last seen each other. After finally winning against the Sirens. We all went back to our original ship forms. But because I was scrapped. I wasn't able to return when the Sirens attacked again. I'm sure that her heart is breaking right now. The same way that mine is going through as of this moment. I'm sure that my partner would probably be checking on my background now. I don't know if he will try to interrogate me the same way he did to Vestal. He might try a different method. Right now I am hurting inside. Vestal please stay strong my old friend."

End of Enterprise's PoV:

Enterprise reaches the beach and stops on the shoreline. She savors the cool night breeze as she reminisce about her time in Azur Lane. She thinks about her sisters Yorktown and Hornet. And then she sees faint images of them playing together on the beach. She also sees a faint images of her talking to Code G. Her alter ego that she met after touching the black wisdom cube. While she continues to look back at the memories that are special to her. Agent Fernandez has closely walked behind her. He places his gun at the back of Enterprise's head before she can even draw hers.

Agent Fernandez: Don't move if you don't want to have a bullet in your brain.

Enterprise: (Gets shocked at what Agent Fernandez is doing.) A-agent Fernandez! W-what is the meaning of this? W-why are you pointing your gun at me?

Agent Fernandez: I'm going to be the one who is asking the questions Agent Price. So just stay still and hand me your gun. I won't hurt you if you cooperate.

Enterprise: A-alright. I-I w-will do as you say. (Pulls her gun out and gives it to Agent Fernandez.)

Agent Fernandez: Alright tell me who you are. Where did you come from?

Enterprise: My name is Endie Therese Price. I come from Newport Virginia.

Agent Fernandez: You're lying missy. Who are you really? And where exactly did you come from?

Enterprise: If I tell you my real name. Would you promise to keep it a secret among us?

Agent Fernandez: As long as you will tell me the truth. I will keep it a secret among us. (Puts his gun inside his holster and stands beside Enterprise and gives her gun back.) Here, you can have your gun back.

Enterprise: Thank you. I will tell you who I really am. My name is USS Enterprise. Service designation number CV-6. I used to be an aircraft carrier. Thanks to the wisdom cube. I turned into a human during the first encounter with the Sirens.

Agent Fernandez: Where did you exactly come from?

Enterprise: As a ship I was constructed in Newport Virginia. That's where I exactly came from.

Agent Fernandez: What's the deal with that ship girl Vestal? Who is she to you?

Enterprise: She was a ship like me. She was my constant sailing companion. Every time I would go on a mission she was always with me. When I denied who I really am to her. I didn't want to go back to being a ship girl. Ever since I met Cathy and May. I enjoyed my life as an ordinary human being.

Agent Fernandez: Is that why you felt sad after lying to her about who you really are?

Enterprise: Yes. Even though I was happy to see her again. I feel so god damn sad for lying to her. I'm hurting inside because I can't approach and talk to my old friends. Much more with my sisters Yorktown and Hornet.

Agent Fernandez: I see. Look Endie. I'm sorry if I pointed my gun at you. Your sudden change of emotion made me suspicious of you. As well as you knowing the shortcuts of this base like the back of your head.

Enterprise: But why did you disappeared on us again even though you told me to stay with the president?

Agent Fernandez: It's my instinct as a fighter pilot. I didn't want to have those air force fly boys to get all the glory. Now that I know who you really are. I can finally get some peace of mind. And I might as well tell you something important.

Enterprise: Something important? What do you mean?

Agent Fernandez: I've written a letter requesting to be reinstated back to my carrier strike group at Pearl Harbor. I wasn't really reassigned to be one his security escorts. I applied as a member of the secret service because I was discharged from navy for being reckless.

Enterprise: Reckless?

Agent Fernandez: Let's just say that I have a knack for flying at breakneck speeds and doing unauthorized high speed flybys.

Enterprise: Did your send your letter already?

Agent Fernandez: I personally gave it to the Secretary of the navy department while on the way here.

Enterprise: If you're going to go back to being a fighter pilot. Then what does make me?

Agent Fernandez: I'm training you to be my replacement. I'm sure that you are going to be a great team leader of the secret service. Once I get my request granted I will be leaving you guys.

Enterprise: Please reconsider. I'm still getting use to be a secret service member. I can't afford to lose a mentor like you.

Agent Fernandez: Only if my request is denied.

Enterprise: Alright.

As the partners continue to talk to each other. Vestal who had secretly followed them as well can't help but cry silently after hearing what Enterprise said. She quietly turns around and goes back to the dormitory. Even though she wants to tell everyone in Azur Lane that Enterprise is alive. She didn't want to risk Enterprise's life as a civilian. Much more with her being member of the secret service. As soon as she enters the dorm, Belfast sees her crying. As she is about to ask Vestal why she is crying. A younger version of her comes out of the kitchen and calls her name.

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