Chapter 11 - Time Off

830 25 10

November 10 - 16, 2025

APEC Summit, Manila Philippines

New Manila Hilton Hotel

Room 1030

08:30:30 hours

As Agent Fernandez continues with his espionage mission at Iron Blood HQ. His partner Enterprise has just entered a room in a hotel provided by the Philippine government for the APEC delegates. She's currently eating her dinner. After eating dinner and cleaning up she rests for a while. She begins to think about Agent Fernandez once again as she looks out the window. She lets out a soft sigh and talks to herself once again.

Enterprise: "Willy..... Where are you? What are you doing right now? I hope that you going on a spy mission isn't true. But then when you said to me that phone calls, emails, and personal visits are not allowed. I believed that you are really serious about your training. I should have doubted what you said. But then again. You probably didn't want me to jeopardize your mission. And that I might blow your cover. Which will lead you to scolding me and asking me to resign. If you only knew that I am upset right now. If you should have just told me the truth and not lie to me. I wouldn't be worrying about you. Please be safe wherever you are. I hope that you will come back alive and in one piece."

Enterprise's little slip up was nearly caught on camera if she wasn't quick on her toes. While resting after eating dinner. Enterprise decides to take a little walk on the streets of Manila. Prior to joining the presidential entourage again. She and the other secret service agents that are tasked to guard the president had undergone a briefing on what to and not to expect in Philippines. Most especially in the streets of Manila. As she starts heading towards the exit of the hotel.

Agent Smith decides to join her and at the same time have a heart to heart talk with the silver haired girl. She slowly walks to Agent Fernandez's partner up to a point that she won't scare the young agent. Enterprise suddenly notices that she's being followed. She puts her hand in her hoodie and cocks her gun. Agent Smith quickly calls her name out before they unintentionally exchange gunshots.

Agent Smith: Agent Price it's me!

Enterprise: (Puts her gun on safety.) Agent Smith. Why are you outside?

Agent Smith: I was thinking about asking you the same thing.

Enterprise: I'm still bothered by what Agent Fernandez said to me before.

Agent Smith: Something he said to you before? What is it?

Enterprise: He mentioned to me about phone calls, emails, and personal visits are not allowed. I should have doubted him right then and there. But because he was looking at me with a straight face. I felt like I had to believe him.

Agent Smith: The last time he said something like that was with a former agent named Michelle Brewster.

Enterprise: Who is she?

Agent Smith: His former partner. I remember that day when he decided to talk to her alone. I just got off from the office to get changed in the locker room for my gun accuracy test.

Enterprise: And then what happened?

Agent Smith: Let's go to a nearby cafe. I will tell you the rest once we get a good cup of coffee.

Enterprise: Ok.

After walking around looking for a nearby cafe.

Enterprise: So what did you hear Agent Fernandez say to Agent Brewster?

Agent Smith: He says that he's going back to his motherland in a month or two. Of course Agent Brewster who was so infatuated with Agent Fernandez believed what he said. Just like with our situation right now. I called him several times. But he never answered his phone.

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