Chapter 5 - Surprise Attack

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As the two agents reach the entourage. Agents Andrews and Smith decided to ask Agent Fernandez about his sudden disappearance. But before they can even ask him the air raid alarm suddenly sounds throughout the base. Bringing a huge surprise on President Mullins entourage.

And then the announcement of an enemy aircraft being spotted is immediately broadcasted on the P.A. system of the base.

????: "Attention everyone! Incoming enemy aircraft has been spotted west north west of Azur Lane headquarters! All available ship girls and aircraft scramble! This is not a drill! I repeat! Incoming enemy aircraft has been spotted west north west of Azur Lane headquarters! All available ship girls and aircraft scramble! This is not a drill!"

Lt. Cdr. Sanders: Mister president we must take you and your entourage to the nearest shelter. Miss Hood! Take our guests to the nearest bunker.

Hood: Yes ma'am! Mr. President follow me.

Pres. Mullins: Right!

Almost everyone follows Hood to the nearest bunker. Except for Agent Fernandez who seems to be interested in getting into an aircraft.

Agent Fernandez: Cdr. Sanders do you have any available aircraft for this type of emergency?

Lt. Cdr. Sanders: We have a capable air force to complement the ship girls. But why do you ask if I still have any available aircraft?

Agent Fernandez: I'll explain later. Right now tell me if you have any aircraft that is not in use.

Lt. Cdr. Sanders: We have five F-18E super hornets back at the hangar at the airbase.

Agent Fernandez: Good! Agent Price go with them to the nearest bunker. I'm going back to the airbase.

Enterprise: I'm coming with you!

Agent Fernandez: No! You will stay here! That's an order agent!

Enterprise: Yes sir!

Enterprise joins the others in following Hood and the other ship girls to the nearest bunker. Agent Fernandez then orders one of the soldiers on the humvee they are riding to drive him back to the airbase. The driver does what he says and steps on the gas. The other one cocks the 50 caliber machine gun and gets ready to open fire. The F-15C eagles had launched already to intercept the incoming bogeys.

Pretty soon a squadron of Siren jets appear out of the clouds and gets into a dogfight with the American fighter jets. Three ship girls launch their aircraft to assist the American forces.

Meanwhile, Agent Fernandez has reached the airbase and sees the hangar where the F-18E super hornet is parked. He quickly orders the ground crew to start up the engine. They did what he ordered as he tells them about his rank in the navy. Pretty soon he taxis to the runway and begins to take off.

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