Chapter 14 - The Cover is Blown

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Iron Blood territory.

June 6, 2025


06:35:09 hours am

It's been almost a month since Agent Fernandez stayed in Iron Blood territory. He is almost finished with his mission and he's ready to go back to the United States. He has already made a written report about his infiltration mission and plans to give it to Pres. Mullins. He has just finished setting up all the bombs. But he hasn't set the time just yet. As soon as he finishes setting up the last bomb. Agent Fernandez goes back to his room and changes clothes.

After that he goes out and eats breakfast at the base's mess hall. He keeps an alert eye for any sudden attack from not the German soldiers. But also an attack from any of the ship girls. Just as he was eating a ship girl approaches his table and asks the secret service agent if she can sit beside him.

????: Hello handsome. Mind if I sit next to you?

Agent Fernandez: No not at all.

????: I'm KMS Tirpitz. What's yours?

Agent Fernandez: My name is Lt. Cdr. Willy Fernandez. Just call me Willy.

Tirpitz: Are you a soldier?

Willy: Nope. I'm a naval aviator.

Tirpitz: Oh I see. So what brings you here to Iron Blood territory?

Willy: I was sent by NATO command as an observer.

Tirpitz: I see. I heard that you are also teaching my sister Bismarck and Prinz Eugen your native language.

Willy: Wow! Word spreads fast around here.

Tirpitz: Let's just say that walls have ears.

Willy: Well then it's been a pleasure talking to you Fraulein Tirpitz. If you will excuse me I have to go back to my observation duties.

Tirpitz: Sure handsome. If you want to talk with me again. I will be at the docks. Bye Willy.

Willy: Goodbye Fraulein Tirpitz.

Agent Fernandez continues his false observation duties and writes down everything that he observes. While he is continuously touring the main headquarters of Iron Blood. Three ship girls are currently discussing about him in an office that belongs to one of them.

????: Did you manage to get the info about our unexpected guest?

????: I did. But it's not that much.

????: How come?

????: It seems that this one knows how to hide his true identity.

????: Well just spit out what you dug about him Z-23.

Z-23: As you wish Lady Bismarck. I have managed to access the United States Navy website.

Bismarck: And did you manage to find out who he is?

Z-23: Unfortunately no. I tried searching his name on their list of current and past commanding officers. But.....

????: But what?

Z-23: He is not on the list. It's either he intentionally didn't give any basic information about him. Or he made it impossible to access by putting up a security password on his dossier file.

Bismarck: What about social media accounts?

Z-23: He has a social media account. I tried to search his name on the US Secret Service agents list. I ended up on a dead end again.

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