Chapter 21 - Confrontation (The Ex vs The Present)

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Enterprise decides to answer the phone outside of the airport. She walks slowly to her car while the phone is constantly ringing. As soon as she gets inside Enterprise answers the phone to find out who the mysterious caller is. The unknown caller then talks as she answers her smart phone.

Phone conversation between Enterprise and former Agent Brewster:

Enterprise: Hello????

????: "Hello is this Agent Endie Therese Price?"

Enterprise: Yes this is Agent Price. Who is this?

????: "Former secret service agent and now South Korean royal guard 2nd vice commander Michelle Brewster."

Enterprise: What do you want from me? And how did you get my number?

2nd V.C. Brewster: "It doesn't matter on how I got your number. What I want from you is to end your relationship with Willy. He'll only break your heart."

Enterprise: So that you will try to get back into his life again! Like I will allow that to happen!

2nd V.C. Brewster: "It seems that you don't know anything about about Willy. Do you really believe that he is seriously in love with you?"

Enterprise: Where are you getting at?! And what do you mean that I don't know anything about him?!

2nd V.C. Brewster: "Before meeting you and I. He had a Japanese girlfriend that he kept secret from me. It seems that the girl's father didn't like him because he of his nationality. They were in a relationship for two years when the girl's father learned that he is a Filipino."

Enterprise: You're lying! Willy taught me to read between the lines. I can tell that you're not speaking the truth!

2nd V.C. Brewster: "So..... He also taught you the same things that he taught me as well. This should be interesting."

Enterprise: I have enough of your mind games! Why don't you just spit it out Agent Brewster!

2nd V.C. Brewster: "I guess you got me. You're right about me wanting to get back into Willy's life. So why don't we settle this the way men settle an argument. What do you say Agent Price?"

Enterprise: If it's a fight you want! Then it's a fight you're gonna get!

2nd V.C. Brewster: "Alright then. Meet me at the abandoned warehouse in Bremerton this afternoon. Don't tell anyone else about our conversation. And don't even tell Willy. You got that Agent Price?"

Enterprise: Loud and clear. I hope that you're ready to get your ass kicked.

2nd V.C. Brewster: Ooh! Is that a threat? I just hope that you don't instantly drop dead Agent Price. Goodby Agent Price." (Ends the call.)

End of phone conversation.

Enterprise hangs up as well and goes to her apartment in Washington DC. She begins to think about former secret service agent Willy Fernandez. Suddenly she's hit with a doubt if he's really in love with her. Or is he using her to cover up a secret past. The silver haired girl then thinks about what Willy taught her. One of the lessons he taught Enterprise was not to allow herself to be caught in a mind game with an opponent. The moment she allows herself to play the mind games she's in big trouble.

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