Chapter 37 - The Legend Returns

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Agent Fernandez goes to the surgeon that Vice President Walden recommended to him back at the Whitehouse. The minute he entered the hospital. Two female nurses quickly attended him. It turns out that the doctor who will be performing the surgery on him had already been informed beforehand. And by no less than Vice President Samantha Walden herself. The head surgeon interviews him and informs the secret service agent about the process of the surgery. Agent Fernandez gamely answers everything and understands the whole surgical process.

After the interview, the doctor informs Agent Fernandez that he will be confined for about a week. The most trusted secret service agent accepts it wholeheartedly and begins to ready himself for the operation. He is immediately taken to a private room where he changes from his regular clothes to a hospital gown. Of course he is assisted by a male nurse. He soon thinks about his right eye. His reason for not wanting to have it replaced he kept it to himself. The temporary secret service agent is given food and drinks. As soon as he finishes eating Agent Fernandez goes to sleep. An hour later a team of nurses goes inside his room. They quickly do a random blood pressure and body temperature checkup on the high profile patient.

The following day he is escorted to the operating room. Inside is a well preserved real human right arm is on a table next to the bed. Agent Fernandez is put to sleep with a little dose of tranquilizer serum. And then the doctor begins to perform the surgery. It is a very delicate operation for the surgical team. One false move and the new arm might get attached in the wrong position. Slowly but surely the doctors attach the new arm to Agent Fernandez's body. Luckily the ball was perfect enough to fit the socket. Then came the delicate part. They have to sew the skin without risking of hitting the ball and socket joint of Agent Fernandez's shoulder.

Time Skip:

The operation on Agent Fernandez's right arm was successful. He has completely recovered after the surgery. He was given a two week rest before finally going back to work. But he has to do a once a week checkup to make sure that his new arm is functioning well. As soon as no side effects were found. Agent Fernandez is given the go signal to go back to work for the secret service again.

Secret Service Headquarters Washington DC

07:30:00 hours morning

Agent Price's (Enterprise) office.

While Agents Smith and Andrews decide to go to the cafeteria and eat breakfast. Enterprise is busy doing some of the paperwork that Agent Fernandez left when he got reinstated back to the navy. Agent Henderson on the other hand is currently training two new recruits at the shooting range. Two more new recruits are slacking off as they seem to be bored while waiting for some action. Meanwhile Agent Fernandez is now parking his black Ford Mustang gt at his usual parking spot. He steps out of the car and walks straight into the building. The security personnel immediately recognize Agent Fernandez and let's him go inside. The minute he enters he can hear the voices of the two new agents who are slacking off.

????: (Yawning) Man I'm bored.

????: Hey don't say that out loud. Agent Price might hear you.

????: Aw come on Agent Johnson. Don't be a butt kisser.

Agent Johnson: Listen Agent Peterson. From what I heard. Agent Price is very strict. And she learned everything that she is teaching us from a legendary agent.

Agent Peterson: So what? I don't want to sit here in the office burning our asses off. I want to go on an escort mission.

Agent Johnson: Well the president has no official function yet. So we will just have to endure everything for now.

Agent Peterson: Ugh! I wish he would have an official function right now.

Agent Johnson: Well we will just have to wait and see.

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