Chapter 38 - An Ex-girlfriend's Request for Closure.

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Agent Fernandez and Enterprise takes care of all the paperwork that needs to be done. Enterprise is happy that the captain of her heart is working with her again. She didn't mind giving up her position as team leader. She knows too well that Agent Fernandez is more than capable of being a team leader. The former hotshot pilot is busy reviewing his last infiltration mission. He is checking if there's any detail about his mission at the main headquarters of Iron Blood that he might have missed out.

When he sees that he hasn't missed a thing. Agent Fernandez decides to call it a night. The other seven agents have already gone home while he and Enterprise are pulling off an all nighter. Enterprise also finishes her own files and calls it a night as well. Agent Fernandez decides to talk to his girlfriend while she's packing her bag.

Agent Fernandez: Hey Endie.

Enterprise: Yes Willy?

Agent Fernandez: Wanna grab a beer with me?

Enterprise: Sure! Why not? I hadn't gotten a chance to grab a beer since that day you were captured by the Sirens.

Agent Fernandez: That's good to know.

Enterprise: So are we going to the usual place?

Agent Fernandez: Not there. I was thinking about going to the bar in Bremerton.

Enterprise: Bremerton? Are there any bars in that area?

Agent Fernandez: Well according to my colleagues in the navy who are born in Washington DC. There's a bar over there that is frequented by naval aviators. So I decided to check it out myself.

Enterprise: Now that you mentioned it. Cathy and May mentioned about that bar to me too. They said that it's a place where most navy personnel hangout.

Agent Fernandez: Well I'm sure that we are going to have a good time there since we're both naval aviators now.

Enterprise: Oh that. I'm not really an official naval aviator Willy. I only followed orders from the president to take up flying lessons so that I can get to rescue you back then.

Agent Fernandez: That's not what I heard from Pres. Mullins.

Enterprise: What?

Agent Fernandez: He told me that he officially made you a naval aviator.

Enterprise: Then that means.

Agent Fernandez: Yes Endie. You and I will be flying together when the time comes. We'll send those Sirens to the bottom of the ocean where they truly belong.

Enterprise was at a loss for words after hearing what Agent Fernandez said to her. She instantly became happy at what the captain of her heart said. She really waited for that moment wherein they will fly in the air together and take out the Sirens. After the small conversation they went to Bremerton in two separate vehicles. As soon as they enter the bar a handful of sailors start looking at Enterprise. This makes her feel uncomfortable and want to get out of the bar and go home. That's until one of them recognizes Agent Fernandez. The sailors quickly salute him and apologize for their behavior.

The former ship girl gets surprised at what just happened. Then Agent Fernandez explains to her that they are his former subordinates back at the USS Theodore Roosevelt in Germany. She feels a large amount of relief as her uneasiness turns into happiness. It is well known among navy personnel that Agent Fernandez isn't the type of person who would instigate a fight. For it's also known that he never lost in any bar fight. This is due to the fact that he would rather take it outside than fight in a bar. Sometimes it's unavoidable for him to fight inside a bar. There are only few instances that he resolves them peacefully. Both agents enjoy the night away before heading home. Enterprise decides to let Willy in her apartment. There they get into a hot and steamy engagement. After that, they sleep together in all of their naked glory. With Enterprise lying on of the hotshot fighter pilot.

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