Chapter 23 - In the Hands of the Enemy

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West Philippine Sea, 08:30:00 hours. Five hundred nautical miles off the island of Palawan.

Capt. Fernandez is back in the air as a naval aviator after almost a decade of being a secret service agent. His successful infiltration mission in Germany is what got him back to active military duties. But it was his ability to negotiate with the president that really got him reinstated back to the navy. He's now on a recon mission with two rookie pilots. They are scouting the area after receiving orders from President Mullins. A mysterious report was found on his desk at the oval office that made him order Carrier Strike Group 50 to investigate the sighting of a man made island base. It also stated that it belonged to the descendants of the Waffen SS, and the Wermacht.

However deep inside the mind of Capt. Fernandez call sign Wild Fox. Is a feeling that this could be a trap. And he suspects those who are aiming to be the Fourth Reich or the Sirens who are still present. After hours of searching. Wild Fox's team couldn't find anything. His gut feeling that this is a trap is beginning to kick in. He doesn't waste time and immediately radios the ship.

Wild Fox: Wild Fox to Fox Hole! Do you read me over?

????: "Loud and clear Wild Fox. What's your status?"

Wild Fox: We scouted the area five times. There's no man made island base anywhere. I can feel that this is a ruse.

????: "Are you sure about that? That was the Intel report given to the president."

Wild Fox: I'm sure of it. We're getting low on fuel. Request permission to return to the boat.

????: "Wild Fox this is Admiral Collins. Are you sure that you don't see any man made island over there?"

Wild Fox: I'm very positive sir. There's nothing here. Something is not right. I can feel it.

Admiral Collins: "Well whatever it is that you're feeling right now is the same thing that I am feeling as well. Looks like scuttlebutt's intel is wrong this time. Return to the boat immediately. We're heading back to Pearl."

Wild Fox: Roger! Wild Fox over and out.

One of his wingmen suddenly pops up a question on the former secret service agent.

????: Sir is it true that you used to be a member of the secret service?

Wild Fox: "Yes El Camino. I used to be a member of the secret service. Why do you ask?"

El Camino: Well sir I dreamed of being in the secret service. But somehow being a naval aviator also feels good.

????: "You? Joining the secret service? Dream on El Camino. You can barely shoot a gun."

El Camino: Shut up Junkyard! Didn't you tell me that you wanted to be a doctor?

Junkyard: "Fuck you El Camino! That's not what I want to be. It's only my parents that want me to follow in their footsteps."

Wild Fox: Alright! Knock it out you two! Follow my lead and return to the boat immediately!

El Camino and Junkyard: "Yes sir!"

Just as Wild Fox was about to bank left. Streaks of purple plasma beams suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

The two rookie pilots are shocked to see the purple beams. Two of them hits Wild Fox's aircraft. Causing him to lose control. This time he has no chance of making it back to the ship. One of the beams that hit his plane made it shake wildly thus knocking out the hotshot pilot.

El Camino radios the ship immediately and tells them about their situation. Admiral Collins quickly orders the launch of the ready five aircrafts and a rescue helicopter.

But before they can even launch. Junkyard radios that Wild Fox has crashed into the sea. And couldn't determine if he survived or not as the giant wall of water blocks his view. The entire personnel on board the USS Enterprise CVN-80 are shocked about the sad news that Junkyard radioed to the ship. Despite the sad news the ready five aircrafts and rescue helicopter launch quickly to look for the fallen pilot. The two rookie pilots have now returned from their recon mission with their heads bowed down. Admiral Collins then remembers what Wild Fox told him. He can't believe that President Mullins fell for a rouse.

A news blackout is immediately ordered by president as the sad report reaches him. He phones his former wingman and current base commander of Azur Lane Lt. Cdr. Andrea Sanders. He informs her of what happened to his former agent. The base commander wastes no time and immediately dispatches a search and retrieval team to look for the fallen pilot. Caught in between choosing whether or not to inform Agent Price (Enterprise) about what happened. President Mullins opted to keep it a secret from Agent Price. He knows that the former secret service agent used to be Agent Price's mentor.

Time Skip:

It's been a week since Capt. Wilfredo "Wild Fox" Fernandez has been shot down. All search and retrieval efforts have netted zero results. His body and his aircraft are nowhere to be found from the crash site. Only fragments of the aircraft were found on the shorelines of the beaches in Palawan, Subic Bay, Batangas, and Pangasinan. All of it were turned over to the U.S. Embassy in Manila. Because of the news blackout. Everything is done with utmost secrecy. Including the transport of the aircraft fragments.

Meanwhile in a snow covered mountain. The hotshot pilot is locked up inside a cell and his arms are chained to a wall. He is still unconscious but breathing. Seconds later the door opens and two female figures enter the cell. One of them caresses his face with her hands. While the other just watches what the other one is doing.

????: Looks like we might have used to much force in taking him down.

????: Who knew that the plasma cannons were powerful enough to damage his aircraft. Had we used a higher level. We might have burned him to a crisp. Wouldn't you agree Observer Alpha.

Observer Alpha: I agree Tester Beta. Such a handsome man. But it would be a waste if we don't extract any information form his brain.

Tester Beta: Yes. It is. But we really need to know what the humans are up to. Lady Omega was furious when we lost in the last battle.

Observer Alpha: I'm sure that he might have a clue as to where Enterprise is. Omega wants to extract the power that was given to her unintentionally by the black wisdom cube.

Tester Beta: Let's comeback tomorrow and then transfer him to the laboratory so that we can conduct a little experiment on him.

The two Sirens leave the cell and close the door. Wild Fox begins to slowly regain consciousness. But he is still weak after crashing really hard on the water. He is still completely clueless as to where he is. Within twenty four hours he is going to be a human guinea pig for the Sirens. His only hope of escape is to regain his strength. Luckily he didn't suffer any major injury. His wounds are just minimal thus giving him enough time to recover. But he will be forced to hijack one of the Siren jets and get away from them. The only problem is that he is in the North Pole. Fortunately his flight suit is thick enough to keep him warm. He is now in the hands of the enemy. In others words. He is a prisoner of war.

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