Chapter 22 - Celebration

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(Author's Note: I forgot to mention on chapter 3 a date on which childhood friends Cathy and May found Enterprise sleeping on a bench outside of the church. This is actually a time skip chapter where it's been a year since Eagle Union's strongest carrier has become completely human. It also a year since she and former Agent Fernandez parted ways. At this time Capt. Fernandez is now the C.A.G. of Carrier Strike Group 50. While Enterprise is the new team leader of the secret service unit where Capt. Fernandez once belonged. While former U.S. Army Spec-Ops member Lt. Cdr. Henderson is second in command. With all that said and done. Let's begin chapter 22 of Azur Lane: Enterprise's New Life.)

Time Skip:

A year later after Enterprise has resurrected into an ordinary human being.

It's been a year since Enterprise joined the secret service. She's now the new team leader after former agents Smith and Andrews decided to let her assume the position since she learned a lot from former Agent Fernandez. Lt. Cdr. Henderson is second in command. They are now in the process of selecting new agents from a pool of 250 applicants. Just like before many applied for the wrong reasons. And only one fourth passed the recruitment process. It's also at this time that she was found by her former co-workers Cathy and May sleeping on a covered bench.

After the long stressful day at secret service headquarters. Enterprise decides to pay a visit to her former co-workers Cathy McDonnell and her childhood friend Iris May McDaniels. Cathy wanted to have her own fastfood restaurant when she was a kid. And it all started after eating a burger at a popular Pinoy fastfood restaurant in Washington. While May wanted to work in a fastfood restaurant. Both of them were fresh college graduates out of New York City state college. They studied business administration major in marketing. As soon as they get everything in order. Cathy and May started their business. At first it was just a sidewalk kiosk. Eventually becoming a food cart. And now they have their own building to accommodate more customers. During this period the two had a hard time balancing cooking and selling at the same time. That's when they decided to hire a service crew. And that's when they found Enterprise sleeping on a covered bench in a church courtyard.


May: Phew! That was very tiring.

Cathy: You're right. I'm having a hard time balancing cooking and selling.

May: Me too. I thought I was going to collapse due to the workload.

Cathy: We need a third person to help us with our business.

May: You mean like a service crew to man the cashier and cook also?

Cathy: Yes that's it!

May: We'll hire someone who's willing to be our service crew?

Cathy: Of course. I know that we might find someone who's willing to work for us.

May: I know! Let's go to the church courtyard where we used to hangout when we were kids.

Cathy: Great idea! I miss that place. I wonder if the doll that I hid underneath one of the covered benches is still there.

May: Only one way to find out.

Cathy: Right!

While the two girls are searching for the doll that one of them hid. They are unaware that they would chance upon a silver haired girl sleeping on one of the covered benches. They continue to search the church courtyard where Cathy hid her doll. Pretty soon they reach the covered bench where a girl has slept for more than twenty four hours. Cathy immediately recognizes the bench and runs towards it. May follows Cathy while calling out her name.

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