Bad Jordan

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Jay P.O.V.

I sat there holding Jayden as Emma yelled at Jordan. Pooh just don't understand.

"Jordan that girl is fourteen! Fucking fourteen!"

"I know ma. I know" he sighed.

"Your going with auntie jay for a week" me and fizz whipped our heads towards her.


"How long?" Fizz asked before I could.

"Just one week. I'm taking his phone and all that shit too. And jay I swear If You do anything for him, take him shopping, laser tag and shit, I will personally come to your house and beat your ass" she glared at me.

"Ha! You funny. But okay. He can come." She nodded and got back in her bed.

She just had her baby not no more than twenty two hours ago and she is already walking around. It was a good thing.

"Give me my baby jay!" I scoffed and handed her the baby. She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Jordan" me and Jordan looked at Emma.

"Not you dummy, your aunt." She rolled her eyes at him.

"What?" I rolled my eyes, fizz hit me with the pillow. I picked it up and threw it back at him.

"Drew. I've had enough Of yo ass" he made kiss faces and I looked back at Emma.

"I'm not playing jay. Don't baby him"

"Emma calm down. I just felt bad for him. I bought a lot of shoes that day" I smiled thinking of all the shows I bought that day.

"You Damn shoe freak" Chris rolled his eyes.

"Shut up fun dip"

"Fuck you Sarah." He chuckled.

I was gonna throw the ice Emma had in the cup but she grabbed it and moved it. Bitch.

"Emmmmaaa" I whined.

"Come on jay. Let's go." Fizz stood up fixing his hoodie. I nodded.

"Bye rat." I kissed Emma's cheek.

"Bye baby" I kissed the top of Jayden's head.

"Bye christian. You gonna come with us?" He looked at his mom and she nodded her head.

"Yeah go ahead." He smiled and stood up.

I walked over to Chris " bye fun dip" I smirked rubbing the top of his head.

He smacked my hands away and stood up giving me a hug. "Bye shorty" I mugged him because they know damn well I hate them talking about my height.

I pushed him away. "Let's go Jordan" I grabbed both of Christians and Jordan's hands pulling them out of the hospital room.

I stuck my head back in the room.
"We'll be back bitch" I blew a kiss at them and walked up to fizz grabbing his hand.

Emma's POV

My god. Jordan and that damn girl. I get he likes her and all but really how long they gonna last. Jordan is a very attractive young man don't get me wrong but he's just not very good at these whole "dealing with girls" kinda things. He's a sweet boy but he's a little all over the place when it comes to girls.

"He'll be fine em." Chris said after he left with his aunt. Jayden began to fuss and Chris took him from me. He walked to the other end of the room, I could hear his soft voice singing to him, made me smile. Jayden stopped crying and Chris came back with him and sat on the bed next to me.

"Emma." He whispered trying not to wake the baby.

"Yes Chris?"

"I love you. And our babies. I'm so happy we're finally doing this after so long. I never knew I could love someone so much." Before I could respond the doctor knocked on the door and Chris handed me sleeping Jayden.

"Hi Mrs. Brown how are you feeling?"

"I'm good, tired but good."

"Alright well everything seemed to go great and you and your baby are allowed to leave home tomorrow."

"Perfect thank you so much."

I started to get tired and wanted to sleep. They had put the baby in the in the crib beside my bed. He was sound asleep. Chris was laying in the chair looking as uncomfortable as possible.

"Baby come lay with me." I poked out my bottom lip and he laughed.

"Baby Ion wanna hurt you. You still need time to heal baby. When you're all better I'll cuddle you for as long as you want mama." He smiled at me. I pouted and turned away. The next thing I knew he was rolling over onto the bed. I smiled and kissed him then turned over trying to get comfy. He went to grab me and hit my stitches. I made a sound and he sat up.

"See baby I don't want to hurt you. Imma end up hurting you em."

"Chris it's ok. Please stay." I looked into his soft brown eyes and he nodded. He laid back down and kissed my neck.
"Goodnight baby girl." he whispered.

"Goodnight love."

"I love you em."

"I love you more."

The next morning I woke up the Chris snoring. I looked over and Jayden was wide awake and smiling.

"Hi baby." I said leaning over and let him play with my hand.

"Gosh baby you're ganna look just like your daddy. Just hopefully you don't do stupid shit with your hair like him." I said and felt a slap against my ass.

"I heard that." He said laughing.

"Goodmorning." I said rolling back over and kissed his lip.

"Goodmorning little mama." He grinned.

I called Jay and asked her to get Taylor from Chris's moms house and take her till I get home later. She said she would and that Christian and Jordan said hi.

We were finally leaving the hospital with my baby boy. We got home and met Jay Taylor and Christian there. Taylor and out coming to hug me but Chris scooped her up before she could.

"Mama had owies on her tummy baby. You have to be careful." He said holding her in his arms and kissed the tip of her freckly nose. She nodded and squirmed out of his and came and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Mommy mommy it's so small." I laughed as she kissed the baby's small hand.

Jay came out and gave me a hug and left. Finally home at last.

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