Hand in Hand

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Emma's POV

I decided to give Chris a chance. He's always been here for me when I needed someone, he's just a sweet heart and I think I'm falling in love with him. He's always here for me, he's so strong and he can handle anything but he's also so sensitive and loving. I think I'll be with Chris for a long time, I love his dumb ass lol.

We had finally arrived at home. I really missed my babies and I wanted to see them. They were with August at jays house, Chris drove me there to see them first. "Momma!!" I heard as Chris pulled into the driveway. I was immediately crowded by my five little boys."Hi babies! I missed you guys!" I said as I knelt down to kiss them when August came out the door. "Hey you're back." He said not looking that happy. "Yea I'm just here to get the kids and go." I said as Chris helped me up.
"Alright. I'll go get their stuff." He's said walking back inside as the kids all raced after him. I followed after him as well.

"August we need to work out the whole custody situation as soon as possible." I said walking behind him."I thought.. Alright." He said shaking his head not looking at me as he was getting Isaac's stuff together. "August. After the baby I'm going to be staying with Chris.""Okay?" He said acting like he didn't care. "So we need to work out-" he cut me off"Alright! I heard you the first fucking time bitch damn!" He said yelling in my face. "Fuck you August! Go fucking stick your dick up your-" I was cut off again when Chris came in the room. He didn't say anything, he just walked over grabbed Isaac's bag my hand and walked out of the room taking all the kids and putting them in the car and we drove off."That nigga need to learn some respect." Chris said as he sped down the freeway."It's fine Chris let it go."

We had finally got to the house and the boys went and put all their stuff away except Isaac.
"Isaac honey what are you doin?" I asked sitting next to him. His head was hanging low and he looked sad. Then all of a sudden he wrapped his little arms around me and kissed me on the cheek.
"Isaac what's wrong hun?""What's ganna happen to daddy?" He asked sitting back down.

"Daddy will be fine hun. He's just leaving.""When is he coming back?" When he asked that I could feel the tears welding in my eyes."Honey he isn't." I said watching him look down. "I know baby. It's ganna be ok Isaac. Chris will take care of you baby." I said hugging him tight and kissing the top of his curly little head."Why did he leave momma? Doesn't he love us?""Isaac. Your daddy loves you and your brothers more then anything. He'll always be there for you baby." I said as I played with his hair."Okay. I love you mommy." He said giving me a kiss and got off the bed.
"I love you too Isaac."

That night Chris had stayed with me. I was already late with my baby and was ready to have it any second now. I went to lay down on the bed when Chris came in."Hey. I tucked the boys into bed but Isaac refuses to sleep with out a story." He said laughing. "Bless his little heart. I hope he stays like this forever. Just tell him something off the top of your head and make yourself the hero. He likes that." I said laughing. I love my babies, I never want them to get old.

Chris came back about twenty minutes later and laid in bed with me. He leaned over and pecked my lips gently then rolled over trying to get comfortable. We had fallen asleep with his arms around me. I had woken up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom when my water broke. I yelled for Chris."Chris! Chris!" He woke up and ran to the bathroom."Aw fuck." He said picking me up and taking me down stairs."Call August to get the kids! Now!" He ran me to the car and hopped in.

He called August and put him on speaker so he could drive. "August! Come get the kids now!"
"Why?! What's going on?!" "Em. She's going into labor. Take the kids to your moms or something then meet us there! Hurry!""Alright!" He said then hung up. I screamed loud as the contractions were starting. "Fuck I'm going as fast as I can hold on!" Chris said to me giving me his hand to grip onto. "We're almost there." He said as his muscles clenched cause I was hurting him.

When we got to the hospital they had brought out a wheelchair and took me in a room and started hooking me up to the machine. Chris met August in the hall and called jay and fizz to tell them I was going into labor. My baby is finally here!

Chris's POV

Em was going into labor and I called jay.
"Jay!" I said yelling"What's wrong? What happened?!" "Emma's going into labor right now!"
"Oh my god.." I could hear her talking to fizz telling him what was going on. "Chris we won't make it in time!""I know it's alright. She's starting right now I have to go." I said then hung up and went back into the delivery room. They had almost had the baby out when I came in. Em was screaming and crying from all the pain.

"Come on Em you can do it." I said letting her take my hand and she squeezed it as hard as she could. Shit it fucking hurt but tried not to show it. Then they had pulled the baby out of her stomach from the incisions of the c section. "It's a girl" the nurse said. "Would you like to cut the cord?" I looked at August and he waved motioning for me to do it. I had cut the cord and the nurse had taken her to go clean her up. "You did it baby girl." I said kissing the top of Em's head.

They had brought the baby back wrapped in a pink blanket and handed her to me. She was so small, about the length from my elbow to my wrist. She looked like Emma. I was happy with a girl.

I handed her off to Em and she looked her over."Whatcha gonna name her?" I asked her kissing her forehead."Taylor." She said, I didn't know why Taylor but I liked it. "Taylor Raquel.""I love it."

The doctor came in and looked at her."She has your nose Mr. Brown." He said, I just kinda smiled. I turned around with the baby in my arms after and saw August sitting there across the room. I walked the baby over and handed her to August. August took her and held her for a while smiling and talking softly to her as she slept. He handed her back to Em."We'll take the DNS test when?" She asked."It's up to you." August said. "When you get out of the hospital in a couple days then we can." He said looking at me, I nodded and sat down.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep and it was morning. August had already left and Emma was asleep. They said she could go home late that afternoon, and that they would set up a DNA test for us in a few days. Honestly I was worried about who's it was, but it didn't matter much, all I know is I love Emma and nothing would change that.

A few days later we had taken the DNA test and they said it would be about a week till we would find out. The boys were excited to see the new baby, all of them wanted to see her. "Mommy why is she so squishy?" Isaac asked poking at her."She's a baby and needs room to grow." She said laughing. Then Isaac kissed her on the head and walked away. God that little boy is going to do great things in life, I know it.

A week had almost went by when we had gotten the DNA test results back. I was in fact the father of Taylor. I couldn't imagine being so happy in my entire life, having my first born child with the love of my life was just an amazing feeling. I couldn't think of anything being better than this.

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