{24} Inside the Subconscious

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* Sorry it took so long, please don't be mad wit me TTwTT


Curran had never thought of doing what he had just done. Sure, he had been trained to do so since he met Madam, but he had never thought of it to actually occurring until that night. Nothing had been going through his mind, nothing could stop him because he had been lost in the feelings he had been suppressing. Nothing happened the way it was supposed to have happened and the group of meisters had payed for it.

It had been Curran's duty to make sure Eevee sneaked into Death manor without being seen and he was to make sure Lord Death was also in the manor. He had never thought of finding Medusa there and it had never crossed his mind what her plans where with him and Eevee. Madam had said she had asked for help, but Medusa was the last person he thought of. It had been too late to refuse and the twisted nurse had planted in him a feeling that left him wanting to kill everyone in the manor.

It had been an accident, what happened to Eevee, that is. The moment she had taken hold of Curran, his feelings were transmitted to her and he could feel that she was burning with rage just by looking at Kid. But she fought against it. That caused him to lose it quicker and she also paid for it by losing her mind completely and by doing something he didn't think possible.

Eevee was not supposed to end up fighting Kid, not yet at least, but that was the least of their worries. They had Lord Death's son, but he had figured out everything about the plan much faster than they had hoped. It was supposed to take a few days, they could had even worked with a few hours of him not knowing that night, but it was because Curran had forgotten to check Death Manor that Lord Death found out about Kid's disappearance far to quickly.

Lord Death and Spirit had been visiting Madam Sabrina at the time, having tea while casually asking her about Dahlia and Alicia's 'recovery' as they so put it. Madam had told them how the girls had been invited to the Masquerade Ball, which both Lord Death and Spirit had already know about, so she didn't know why it was so important. They asked her a few more questions about her 'children' and why it was she gave up Curran and Eevee so quickly, though, she had fought for them the first time they were taken away.

It was around that time that, conveniently, the explosions began and Madam Sabrina hadn't the chance to answer their questions. She rushed out with Lord Death and Spirit only to find the explosions had been caused at Shibusen. Whether she had wanted to cause such an attraction, Curran had not known, but she sure had not wanted for Lord Death and Spirit to appear at Shibusen in a second.

Curran had seen the damaged done to Louis and Pierre, but he thought them lucky. Not just anyone could go against Lord Death and be able to talk about it. Hell, those two should be dead and not groaning on the floor above where they were. Louis had taken quite a beating, but it was Pierre that had taken the more serious damage. Yet, that glasses-wearing-weirdo had still have enough energy to hug Eevee and get kicked in the gut by her.

They had it rougher than the rest of them: Eevee was going against a weakening Kid that had been bleeding out; Dahlia and Alicia where going against Maka and BlackStar. They had had a chance to come out alive with little to no damage. Louis and Pierre were still classifying themselves as the walking dead because they should have died.

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