{20} The Not-So-Clear Truth

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Sorry this took forever, but I've been a tad bit busy. I am not happy with this chapter, but I can't seem to find a way to fix it -_- anyhow, the next chapter will be out this week also.

vote and comment, please :3





Eevee's mind was too much in panic to think straight and even though she was young, she knew when something sounded lewd. It was her older brother's fault. Everything bad that happened to her or that was found around her was always his fault. Always.

This time, though her mind was slowly fading, all she could think about him and how this was all his fault for bringing Curran and her to Madam Sabrina's house, a woman he hardly knew and yet trusted the life of his little sister with. If something were to happen to Curran because of these partner lesson, Eevee was going to shove that older brother out the window of the shop.

She couldn't breath and her body felt like a paper doll being dragged from the foot by some reckless toddler. Her mind kept screaming for her to open her mouth and take a deep breathe, but when she did that water raced into her mouth and forced itself down her throat making breathing impossible to do. Yet she did that several time before the hitting started.

Her fave had already hurt because of the hit she had received from Madam at the side of her face. . .that had sent her into the river. When that thought came back to mind the pounding of the rocks around her began to become more violent. She was kicking her legs and swinging her arms, trying to keep her head above the water. Even if was only a small amount of water that many said no one could drown in it, the rushing sound of it was overwhelming and terrifying to Eevee.

Stones scraped her legs and feet as she tried to keep herself up. Her arms slashed as she tried to hold onto anything and failed, cutting her hands and bleeding from them. The hit to her head didn't make things any better or any clearer as she went under the water again. Things would end like they started, she thought, the image a blur and too confusing to focus, though something is right in front of you.

Her eyes began to close, but Eevee remember one black blotch nearing her as they closed completely.

When she awoke, Eevee was lying on her back outside of the water but still close enough to the river to hear its rapids. Her boy began to tremble, her throat started to close, her mind blurred as she began to see under the water every time she blinked. She was panting, loosing her breath as she tried not to think she was in the water, but the sound of it was turning her brain into much and making her go into another panic.

Eevee felt like someone had put their hands on her and forced her arms to stop slapping the air, but it lasted for a second before her foot collided with what she thought was a stomach. Her eyes were still clouded as she tried to focus on the person beside her, forcing themselves to ignore the pain of her kick to make sure she was alright. Here mind instantly registered the name Curran, but the blotch she was watching was much smaller than him and seemed to be her size. It was someone she didn't know.

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