{26} Pardon Change

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I know I took, what, two month or somewhere near that time to upload this chapter. Frankly, I blame. . .alright, I can't blame anyone or anything but myself. I guess I need a bit of a breather before I messed up this chapter X3 I actually liked how this one came out, though, there no lovey-dovey thing going on. . .I think.

Vote, comment, and I'll get chapters out faster :D


Kid had never been tied up and gagged before—with the exception of that Hansel & Gretel recon mission, but that time it had been rather enjoyable as it had been Eevee's idea—and never had he been so willing to hurt a girl before either, but these two were driving him to his limit.

Their horrible comments about Eevee's blood lineage and their off comments on how the world would be better off without her. They even went as far as to sympathize with Kid on how he would have never ended up this way if he hadn't insisted on befriending Eevee.

After what seemed hours of them speaking nonsense, they caught on to Kid's mood on not wanting to speak them or even bothering to listen to their annoying complaints regarding Eevee. It infuriated the girls that Kid would still defend Eevee's actions even though he was weak and tied to the roof on a old, dirty, and shabby shack.

To pass the time, and to annoy the lovesick Shinigami, the girls began to tell him riddles in hopes of getting him to talk. They didn't pull out the gag out of his mouth because he would simply frown and scowl at them with those gold eyes.

“What has arms and legs, but no head?”

Kid said nothing and refused to look at them, instead turning his eyes towards the corners of that shed in hopes of finding an exit. His mind was filled solely with thoughts of Eevee and Curran that he couldn't pay any attention to those two annoying girls that did nothing but bad mouth his precious Eevee. Though, most of the things they said of her now were completely true.

“A chair, dummy,” Dahlia kicked Kid in the shins when he didn't bother to answer. “You're no fun with that solemn look on your face, son of Lord Death.”

“It's Death the Kid,” Alicia hummed. She was walking around the tied up Kid, her finger tips running around the ropes of his wrists, “This looks more like something Eevee would think of and not something Curran would even consider. What do you think, Dahlia?”

Dahlia had been peeking out of the shed and had locked it once she had pulled her head back in. “I think that witch has potential to be a sadist and this idiot is masochist.”

“Don't call her that!” Kid snapped, speaking for the very first time since they arrived after they had pulled out the gag. “Don't ever call Eevee that without knowing for certain that she is—”

“She's the daughter of Pierce Michaelis and the witch Yuhl,” Dahlia interrupted with a sneer. “Don't you know anything about your supposed girlfriend? Why on earth do you think she goes by the name Yule and Pierre goes by Michaelis? They're siblings and no one has ever noticed that. Idiots.”

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