{10} For Honor & Mid-Terms

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Sorry this one took so long, but I felt like something was missing and couldn't post it until I was satisfied. I was going to but the image of Dahlia's weapon form, but I found that I wanted so much to put this image instead so it would fit the story lol Please don't kill for taking a month to post a new chapter.


Eevee had started her day like any other day in Death manor; woken up to Curran's call, getting ready and eating breakfast, and then going for a morning stroll that would end up lasting more hours than intended and therefore she would miss classes. Everything going according to Eevee's plans for every day unless needed at Shibusen for something worth her while. An important mission that would get her closer to Curran becoming a death scythe.

But things hardly went according to plans now that she had met Kid or when she had been enrolled into a new class with Stein as a professor. Curran had never questioned her decision on ditching the useless classes, as Eevee put it, but he was still inclined to deal with them a little more than Eevee was. She thought nothing of them but a waste of time in hunting down Kishin souls and especially the witch's soul. In her thoughts the only way to make a death scythe was to not be in class, it was to be outside of the academy and looking for them. They would not come to those who waited, she would say to Curran.

During her morning strolls Eevee and Curran would always stop by the cafe, but living in Death manor meant they would be well off and didn't have to stop that morning. Instead they kept walking away from Death manor, Deathbucks cafe, and from Shibusen. Eevee was leading the way without saying a word and without thinking of anything, but actually thinking of everything. Curran could tell this much about her because of her blank eyes, but anyone else would miss it for Eevee simply being Eevee.

She was in her usual attire, a uniform like none in Shibusen, but she had changed her bow into something more familiar to the academy. It was a small skull like tie to match Death's face with fabric falling from it. Curran had seen her place it on and thought nothing of it until they reached the ends of the city where there was nothing but sand. They sat on one of the large stones and looked out into the emptiness of the land. Eevee was more accomplished at this meditation time trance than Curran was and so he had nothing to do but to study his surroundings.

These past days though he was more interested in Eevee than the places they used to hide from the academy. The Death mask like bow tie had something Eevee had never even thought of using because she didn't think it was wise to wear something from the academy on missions. How could they be stealthy, she would ask him, if they were announcing to those around them they were from Shibusen. It woulds make things worse for them, but here she was wearing something that could give them away.

He thought about asking her why she had changed her mind about wearing such a thing, but voted against doing so knowing she would have something to ask him in return, for the information. It wouldn't surprise him one bit if Eevee knew he had been meeting with Alicia and Dahlia or that it had been his fault she had been coerced into a fight. There was one thing she had gotten wrong about their encounter with those girls. They hadn't been after Kid. No one in their right mind would dare try and kidnap Death's son, those two girls weren't the exception.

Eevee was sitting a bit farther away from him than she usually was and this just made his mind question her knowledge even more. Why was she pulling away from him? He had been the only person to ever get close to her because he was her weapon of choice, and now they had trouble matching soul wavelengths. Of course he wasn't blaming her, if anyone was to blame it was him, but he still felt like by her pulling away she was making that process impossible to be formed. Eevee didn't seem to really care for this, but she was always good at thinking silently and without showing any sign of actually doing it. For all he knew she could have already pieced together what he was doing with those girls.

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