{5} A Date's Preparations

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 I feel like I trolled you guys, and I'm sorry XD please don't kill the writer. I'm sorry I took very loong to get this chapter out and I'm sure it didn't meet your expectations :( I'll try and make the upcoming ones better. This one actual didn't have much Kid in it either. I fail DX


A sound soul dwells within a sound mind, and sound body. That is what they were taught and what they were all to remember and work with, but these days Maka was doubting the very fabric that created that saying. It all had to do with three people; Death the Kid, Eevee Yule, and Curran Veils.

A sound soul. . .

Needs a sound mind. . .

It means the same thing to every student in this academy. Except one of the most well known duo of course.

Maka's eyes were on Eevee sitting on Professor Stein's desk at the very front of the class. Her eyes were blank and looking straight forwards as the class went on talking about the meister's body and how it worked. Eevee was covered in black marker from her to foot and it made her look like she had as many stitches as Professor Stein. Maybe having Eevee stick to him so Black Star and Kid to leave her alone was a bad idea.

“S-she looks like a dear in the headlight.” Maka sighed and lowered her head. “So much for a sound mind.”

“Heh, and body too,” Soul offered. “Eevee's about to get sliced open and her guts spilled out all over the floor before Kid gets back from his mission.”

“It's not funny, Soul.”

“Of course it is. Look,” he pointed at a laid out Eevee with a scalpel to her throat. “She looks ready to accept her fate. . . . should we stop him?”

A sound mind? Maka sighed and slammed her hands on the desk to catch the professor's attention. Which she did, as well as all the other students and Eevee.

“You can't dissect your students, Professor!” Maka ran down to the front and took Eevee by the arm. “You've done enough experimenting on Eevee!”

Stein gave them a weird and creepy large grin as they ran out the door with Soul and the others following behind them. They had never been so glad for the ringing of the bell before this day, and all the other students thought the same. No one wanted to see Eevee's guts all over the floor of the class room.

“I come to school,” she said as Maka was helping her wipe away the marker marks“and I become Dr. Stein's guinea pig.”

“Well, you weren't actually complaining when he was about to cut you open.” Soul laughed at her and the glare she gave him. “I'm starting to think that he's actually your favorite professor of all.”

Eevee didn't say anything for a long moment, but then high-fived Soul as she gave him the answer. “You learn what you need from the best and become greater than the best, right?”

“And you have guts to but your body on the line.” he grinned at her, but she didn't return it and simply gave him a knowing look that more-or-less meant she was grinning inside.

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