{3} The Zaire Basin

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They were sent in a group of two to the Tropical rainforest in Africa, the Zaire Basin. Death the Kid, Liz, and Patty with Eevee and Curran had been sent to retreat two Evil humans that had been spotted in that area. Black Star had started a fuss when word had gotten out about this top mission, but his cries to join them were ignored and his pride shot dead by Eevee who refuse to deal with him after the last time they had fought.

After arriving in the forest and after many attempt of getting Kid to walk straight and ignore the uneven roots shooting up from the ground, they had finally managed to gain ground and arrive at their destination. They had split into two groups after a while, Kid and Eevee walking at the front and Liz, Patty, and Curran walking a couple of step behind them. It was strange that as long as Kid wasn't hanging from Eevee's neck or waist they got along pretty well.

“Should we really let those two be hanging around each other,” Liz asked, eying everything that came in her view as she was afraid some kind of animal would jump on her. “Won't Eevee catch Kid's stupidity about symmetry.”

“She has her own rhythm,” Curran answered chuckling to himself on how jumpy Liz was, “I don't think he's gonna be able to pull her in. . .what the hell are they doing?”

The three weapons had stopped on their tracks and watched their Meisters closely from behind. Somehow they had managed to climb on top of a large root that seemed to touch the sky. Kid was standing behind Eevee with his arms straight down beside him as if he were holding Eevee from her waist. Eeve was standing in front of him, really, really close in front of him, without touching, with her arms raised straight up in the air as if she were going to wrap them around Kid's neck.

“Oh no,” Liz groaned, “He's teaching her poses!”

“Hahaha, they look really funny,” Patty laughed and pointed at the two Meisters.

“Eevee,” Curran called to her, “Get away from that psychopath!”

“He's an OCD freak, not a psychopath,” Eevee answered back much to Kid's dismay, who somehow ended falling from the root as soon as she said this.

“E-Eevee, you don't have to be so cruel,” Kid said to her as she landed beside him on the dirt floor. “Everything must be completed symmetrically, and adding two new member to this team means we must work twice as hard to keep that balanced!”

“You're delusional as always,” Eevee fell into rhythm with him as they walked forward, “You deal with your weapons as symmetrically as you want, but Curran we'll still follow me.”

“And you must always pose for introduction before you get the tainted soul!”

“I don't think they'll care if we're symmetrical or not,” Eevee argued, “They'll just want to kill us and we don't have time to waste posing. You do that and I'll take both Evil human souls.”

“NO! They must be divided into the number of weapons we have!”

“Two souls. Three weapons.” There was a long pause between the two Meisters. “Of course you can divide two evenly into three.”

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