{19} Soul matching Eevee

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The room was filled with a thick, dark aura that felt like two hands strangling any person that walked into the classroom. Those hands were almost visible as Spirit tried to walk into the door and were most likely the reason in why he ran away from the classroom after having turned blue in the face and crying out in panic.

“I think you're papa's lost it, Maka.” Soul commented to an annoyed Maka. “What was up with him?”

“It's Curran and Eevee, I think.” Maka responded.

They were seated next to each other like any other day in the academy, Curran to one side of Eevee and Kid to her other side, which surprisingly he had arrived early today. Curran was relaxed in his chair with his back on the chair and his feet on the table, his two toned eyes glaring at the front of the class, the dark circles under them making his eyes a darker shade.

Eevee was leaning forward with her elbows on the table, her fingers laced together, and her head resting on her hands. The same dark circles as Curran showed under Eevee's eyes making her chocolate color eyes look like dark chocolate instead of mil chocolate. She was also glaring towards the front of the room, her eyes locked on professor's Stein's smirking face.

Behind Stein, on the blackboard, was a thick liquid smeared on the board that reminded Maka of green spoiled milk. It smelled similar to it too. Her eyes turned to the scalpel inserted on the seat behind Eevee, a couple of inches left from where she sat. That had been the cause of the green liquid to end up behind Stein; Eevee had thrown a beaker with the strange substance towards their professor was was still glaring at the man after ten minutes.

“Go dissect your, professor.” Eevee's voice was calm. It reminded Maka of the calm before the storm, and Eevee never called Stein professor. She referred to him as doctor Stein and one point she had called him the madman with the screw in his head, but that had only been once.

“He might've thought they would piss off professor Stein.” Soul grinned. Eevee was beginning to rise from her seat. “And I think he was right. Get ready for Eevee guts on the classroom floor.”

Maka glared at him. “Kid, what's wrong with Eevee? You've been with her a lot recently, what the hell is going?”

Kid was looking at Eevee with a serene look and wasn't trying to hug her like he usually did. His eyes kept going to Curran as if blaming him for whatever it was that was happening to Eevee, but there was nothing he cloud blame on him.

“I'm not sure.” Kid answered. “Eevee was already like this when I came into the classroom.”

Kid was actually holding on to Eevee's shirt and was likely to be the only reason why Eevee hadn't gone towards the front of the class and punched Stein in the face. Curran didn't seemed to want to move as if this was Eevee's fight and he wasn't going to interfere with her issues, but he was still pissed of at Stein too.

“He won't say anything,” Kid explain when Maka was about to ask Curran. “He says it's her problem, not ours.”

“So Kid slapped him.” Patty laughed. She was sitting on the desk above Curran, her hands hanging over the front side trying to touch his ears, which Maka didn't know why.

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