Author's Note: I'm Back (sorta)

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To all the current readers who keep my phone buzzing, thank you so much for commenting and voting on this story. I'm at awe at how many readers this fanfic has although it was written years ago. Which brings me to why I am writing this now: much like the previous 'author's note,' it is just an announcement that the story is being rewritten entirely (the rewritten one was rewritten).

The prologue and the first chapter are up and, if anyone had read the previous chapters, you will notice major differences in the scenes that are happening. No new character will be added, no characters will be taken out, but they will hold different roles in the story.

Please take a second to check out the rewritten story and let me know what you think of it so far. Once again, thanks to all you current readers and hope you are enjoying the story.


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