{12} So Scandalous

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* I know, this is a record of me posting XD I hope you enjoy this chapter and maybe, just maybe, you can figure out Curran a bit more than before.

Question: You guys like Curran or hate him and his mismatching eyes? Also, in a match, Dahlia and Alicia or Curran and Eevee?


That night Curran had so rudely dragged her away from Kid out giving any sort of explanation, Eevee was shoved into the small place they had been attack by Stein during the mid-terms. The window had been fixed by someone having placed boards in Xs and then some diagonally. They had no beds to sleep in only some small, old futons that Madam had laid out for them. Eevee had jump face first into and almost lost her life to dirt and dust suffocation. The room was not only small, but old and it was filled with dust.

She had to beat her futon across the wall until Madam yelled for her to stop, but lucky she had beaten out most of the dust. Curran didn't seem to have any trouble with his futon as he just laid on his side, one arm under his head, and the other lying in front of him. He didn't as much flinch when Eevee began to beat the futon above his head or when she 'accidentally' let go of the futon and it landed on him. Like all argument they always had, Curran was prone to give her the cold shoulder. That was his form of arguing, by not arguing at all.

Eevee laid out her futon next to him, took of her shoes, and sat on her knees while staring at Curran's back. He could feel her eyes on him, she knew he could, but he pretended to be asleep and ignored her curious eyes. She wanted him to explains his motives for acting like a jerk towards Kid, and she wanted an explanation on why he wasn't with Alicia and Dahlia. Her eyes moved over his back slowly and when he turned to lie face up her eyes studied him even closer.

Curran was used to her simply sitting there staring at him like a cat would an interesting bug, it was just the way to argue, but this kind of staring was different. No eyes piercing his body like burning daggers or a look that made him feel like she was going to pounce on him and use his own weapon form to off him. He felt nothing and it felt more like he was alone without Eevee staring at him, but when he opened one eye just a bit to see if she was still there, she was and still in the same position as she always would.

“What the hell are you doing?” Curran asked after having been resting on his elbows and looking at Eevee. He had been looking at her straight in the eyes for about three minutes and she didn't seem to have noticed him. “Don't tell me you can't live in a place like this now that you've lived in a place like Kid's. Spoiled, are we now? We just to live like this not so very long ago, get over it.”

Eevee had thought Curran was going to evade everything that had to do with Kid and she wasn't expecting him to talk about him that night, but he had. She didn't like the spark of his mismatched eyes when he spoke his name or when she called her spoiled. It was more that he was calling Kid spoiled than her and she was just he was not going to stop there. He was about to open his mouth to say something that she knew would just be insulting for no reason and she wouldn't take it from him.

“I was comparing you to Kid not the place.” She saw how quick Curran's eyes went from confusing to absolute rage. Eevee of course had no clue why and really didn't care for the reason behind it. “That night when you went to find Alicia and Dahlia I went into his room to have a small conversations. But that idiot fell asleep and didn't wait for me to get there. I was thinking. . . Kid's features are perfect – ”

Eevee didn't blink or pulled back when Curran raised his arm quickly and moved as if to slave her, but with one swift motion and a semi transformation of his arm, he had cut off the small Death mask tie Kid had given her. She watched the tie fall and very slowly and carefully took it in her hands. He cursed before turning away from her and throwing himself onto the futon and hugging the pillow close to him. The one thing he absolutely hated of Eevee was the fact that she couldn't understand what others were feeling and that she showed no fear to no one and nothing but rushing water. Of all the stupidest things, he thought to himself thinking of how he had to start her baths every time.

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