{22} A Fool's Masquerade

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** Sorry! TT^TT I'm really sorry I haven't uploaded any chapters lately, but I've been kind of stressed and I tend to start writing different stories when stressed. I mean I start them and usually never post them or post them and they end up never getting updated -_-'

Any how, here's the chapter you all have been waiting for and I'm sorry, again, if it's confusing and not interesting. To say the truth, I'm not satisfied with this chapter of the last I've posted. Too much seriousness lol Sorry for the rant, too, and I leave you to enjoy the chap.


Days passed by quicker than Eevee could count them and nothing seemed to change in Death City. Everything continued as it always did when she was not around, as if she had never lived there before. She stayed in Stein's laboratory with Curran when the professor went to classes. Eevee wasn't allowed to be left alone because she had a tendency to look through his vial and cause unwanted explosions and at one point almost dissected herself out of boredom. Which Stein would have helped glad, but Curran managed to stop that nonsense.

Curran was gone at the moment and had not said a word on where he was going to or when he was coming back. Eevee had stayed alone after she promised to not blow up anything and to stay in door by all means. Who knows what could be waiting for her out there, Curran had said, but Eevee didn't believe that there was an actual threat outside of these walls. The only threat was inside the walls and that wasn't there at the moment. Stein, that is.

Eevee sighed deeply. She didn't like going to the academy and any other time she would have enjoyed causing trouble for Stein by going through his belongings, but she was feeling trapped. This place was causing her pain by keeping her inside, constricting her, suffocating her, and causing her mind to start going into what she could only describe as asymmetrical mental attack Kid had at least once a day for whatever little thing he could think off.

It was usually toilet paper or a frame.

Thinking of him only made things worse for her. Not only was she feeling that all oxygen was leaving her lungs, now she felt the scar running down her chest acting up and burning to a level that only a fire placed on skin could cause. Maybe ice on skin could also have that effect. Even when she opened her shirt and observed it and saw that nothing was wrong with it, not even a red color, did she figure out it was just her mind going bonkers.

Eevee was walking around the lab, pulling drawers, pulling open random doors that read Keep Out, and mixing things that she didn't know if they should be mixed. She even found an old, white, lab robe that she quickly threw over her shoulders and paraded up and down the lab with it. It was too big on her and the ended up it was mopping the floor with it, which she thought was a bonus and it might not get her into trouble.

But that distraction only lasted so much and then she was back sitting on the dissecting table with her eyes glued to the floor thinking of the only person she was able to think about. For her own good, Curran had told her Kid had said. She had to stay away from Kid because he knew the truth, but how was that possible if she didn't know the truth herself. Or at least she didn't believe it was the truth.

“A witch. . .” she scoffed. With a kick of her leg she sent several vials, empty to her dismay, crashing to the floor. Her eyes narrowed at the broken glass on the floor as she tried to wrap her mind on what exactly was going on that was just making her lose it. Everything seemed to irritated and make her lose her mind.

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