{13} Girl Hunt; Dahlia and Alicia

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It was the desert. They had sent Curran and Eevee out into the desert part furthest, yet close, to Death City. The sun was glaring down at them from the highest point in the sky, laughing at their misfortune of the heat it emitted. Everywhere they turned, either left, right, forward, or backward, there was nothing but sand, rock, and an occasional lizard that tried to befriend Curran.

“I thought the paper said we would be sent to dessert.”

“Not dessert, stupid, to the desert. With one S.” Curran told Eevee.

“Oh.” Was all Eevee could mange out as she dragged her feet. Curran would turn to look at her every few steps, glare, and then turn back to the road, which wasn't a road at all. Eevee could feel his eyes on her, but wouldn't say anything and kept her distance as she tried to spot the duo of idiots that were already on the mission.

“I can't take it anymore!” Curran yelled out of the blue and turned towards Eevee. “What the hell are you wearing?! And that color at a time like this!”

Eevee shrugged her shoulder ignoring Curran's outburst as she kept walking towards their destination. What he was freaking out about this time was the fact that Kid had let Eevee borrow what he used to cover the sun's rays. Why he had such a thing if the sun couldn't possibly hurt his skin was beyond Eevee's understanding, but she didn't question him on behalf of Liz telling her not to do so.

What she was wearing was a simple black cloak that covered her from head to toe that made her look like Lord Death. It was funny to her to think of Kid wearing this because he would look like a smaller version of his dad, like a chibi, but it looked different on her. For one, Eevee refused to take the mask Kid offered saying that she could do without it and that nothing would happen if she didn't have it.

Curran was being a pain as usual and wanted to know why she was wearing such a thing under the hot blazing rays of the sun. Her response, she didn't feel like being rude to Kid and she didn't have something to cover her from the sun. He just sighed angrily and turned away from her as they continued further into the desert.

“We're taking forever.”

Curran made a mumbling sound, but he didn't say anything to Eevee. Without thinking twice about it and having had enough of his childish attitude towards Kid, Eevee stretched her leg in front of her weapon when he wasn't looking and made him fall and tumble down the sand hill they had been walking on.

“Dammit, Eevee!”

“You should watch where you're stepping.” Eevee called down at him and jump down to slide to his side. “You might end up hurt.”

“Why do I feel like those words have another meaning?”

“The heat is affecting your brain.” Eevee responded walking past him and into what was there destination. “Is this the place? I don't see a living person here.”

It was a ghost town that reminded Eevee of something from an old west movie. Everything, the houses, cafe, and a bank, were abandon and looked ready to fall. There was no vegetation and every inch of the place was nothing but sand and stones. The only thing that would give shade were the building, but only if they were to walk into one of them.

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