{2} An Even Mission

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“Should we really be letting him do that,” Soul asked Maka watching how Kid was choking Eevee for dear life. No doubt Eevee was trying to escape his grip for dear life. He chuckled, “Eevee's got her hands full and can't even ditch the academy. Terrible luck to have the kid of the academy founder stick to you like a leech.”

Maka sighed knowing all too well that Soul was enjoying this small scene of torture of Eevee and Kid. Since the day before when Kid had first laid eyes on Eevee he had refused to let her out of his sight and out of his grip. He was either hanging from her wait or leeched on to her shoulders. In an occasion Eevee had been dragging him along the floor as he refused to let go of her leg until Curran managed to pull him off. Needless to say that didn't end so well for Curran as he had 'touched' Kid's 'goddess'.

“Maybe this will be good for her,” Maka tried to convince herself of it as well, “She's going to be at the academy a lot more now that Kid's tracking her down.”

“Yeah,” Soul answered, “But I doubt this will be any good for Kid. Eevee's gonna have her hands full, too.”

“We just need to keep her partially covered so Kid will stop bothering her.” she reasoned. Her eyes lit up with a quick idea to have Kid ignore Eevee long enough to get some studying done. “Hey, Eevee, can I try something on you?”

She turned her golden brown eyes towards her with a silent plea for Maka to safe her. Of course that's what Maka was trying to do, but looking at Eevee's desperate eyes made her try even harder. Eevee needed to get a high score on this coming exam and she wasn't going to be able to do it if she had Kid hanging from her neck through the academy hours, and even after those hours finished.

“What are you doing to my goddess Eevee,” Kid cried as he watch Maka reach up for her twin tails. “Don't undo her perfect hair!”

“This idiot's a handful. I can't believe he's making us into the laughing stock of the academy” Liz mumbled as Patty laughed beside her.

They were all watching how Kid was wrapped around the front of Eevee, her arms wrapping underneath his arms holding him up as tears fell dramatically down his face when he figure out Maka was trying to so something to Eevee's hair. Each time Maka touched part of Eevee's twin tails Kid would let out a loud wailing sound that made everyone cover their ears in pain. Maka reached for Eevee and once again Kid let out a wail until Eevee had started cooing at him as if he were a small child, caressing his hair until he stop.

“You shouldn't be nice to him,” Liz pointed out to Eevee as Kid snuggled closer into her neck, “It'll just make it impossible to get rid of him. Knock him out, call him a asymmetrical garbage and he'll let you go. Maybe even forget about you for a while.”

Eevee seemed depressed by having Kid pay so much attention to her and even though it was clear she didn't like him being sad, she didn't want him praising her for nothing. Maka had stopped trying to touch her hair and was pouting that Eevee was no longer trying to get away from Kid was was instead holding on to him tightly. She was either thinking of a plan that involved him being at close range or she was just at a loss on what to do or maybe she was just distracted by the multiple attention Kid had cause her to receive.

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